Thank you so much for this video. Very informative.
Step 1 is the hardest step for me!! How do you know what you're good at with no feedback? Or how do you monetize understanding and wisdom, which is the feedback I get... 🧐🧐 I can't tell if I'm afraid of money or just don't value my skills. How did you move from "no one would pay me for that" to "people will pay me for it"? I think I just realized I have limiting beliefs around what I can get paid for 🤯 Thank you for the video Courtney. Your work has helped me so much in my journey.
Courtney You are phenomenal! I want to start a online coaching business but I need Your help!!! I’m sticking thinking about nailing my niche. I currently work 2 jobs to provide for myself and my kids. I always get compliments on my energy, life problem solving and on my networking skills. I need Your help!!!
Courtney your content is right on target for me. New subscriber.. Binged watched about 4. It feels like this is exactly what I need! Great Video! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌷
January 2nd 2023- Starting my business coaching brand on the 2nd of January 2023.
just subscribed! super insightful information! I am pursuing online fitness coaching & already have 4 clients but looking to bring in more before the end of the year
I want to have this all ready to go no later than December 2024.
Thanks for this program. I'm a student counselor. I desire to coaching business, starting right on campus through our devotion . Help me
I am a home health & homecare Consultant. I was thinking of adding coaching as a part of the services I offer.
I am launching on July 1, 2023, MunkhjinTLudwig Life coaching 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
2/12/2023, I’ll be launching D.I.E.T. Over D.N.A. LLC!
I will launch my business by the End of August 2025
Thanks Courtney!
Needed! Finally
I am launch my coaching business October 1st 2023.
01/01/23 Starting my coaching business has been a real struggle.
1/15/2023 All 4 Lexington LLC Entrepreneur Coaching
Do I need to get certified to be a nurse career coach..I am a nurse for 15 yrs
June 2023