
Jeff’s eye, even with how serious that is, is the least of his problems. We need to remember how extraordinarily serious brain damage is.


David dobrik is psychotic. He freaks me out like it's like he's dead inside or something and he's just running on fumes and partying and all this other stuff. I don't know something about him. Just screams non-human to me


Telling someone they don’t deserve a livable wage or healthcare is such a wild thing to say with your whole chest. That’s not even a music industry thing thats just a human thing, but saying they should be responsible for their own careers is saying, “tell me you know nothing about the music industry without telling me you know nothing.” Even if she was green, which this isn’t her first go she’s been grinding at this for YEARS, that doesn’t mean she can’t have seen and experienced some shit in the last year. It doesn’t take people years to realize when they and others are being mistreated by a system meant to grind them up and spit them out when they no longer useful to the people making the real money.


Khaleesi and her embarrassed dragon at the Super Bowl 🤣🤣🤣


13:20  her “cancellation” is too fresh she says as she is allowed to freely speak on her very public platform. Is the cancellation in the room with us?


Omg listen when it comes to Brooke. I’m not at all surprised by her say that. She is the reigning champion of saying the wrong thing, lacking any self awareness, consistently dating walking red flags, hanging out on the wrong side of history, ignorance towards political and social issues, rich people problems, and entitlement. She is as deep as mud puddle. I find her overwhelmingly exhausting😒


I’d watch David Dobrik vlogs when I was 14 to 16 because my dumbass thought that his life was actually that crazy / fun naturally; I didn’t realize he was fabricating the laughs, pushing his friends into alcoholism / addictions, exploiting them with promises of ‘clout’ while making himself richer, & sitting aside whilst most likely knowing about one of his ‘friends’ SA’ing fans. Now I’m disgusted with him & kinda myself for being naive enough to watch that shit & laugh along.


Tana should be the last one to talk about someone coming back with no consequences, that’s literally most of her career. Did she forget Tanacon, saying the N-word, harassing and doxing that lady in France?


Brooke's defence of David Dobrik bothers me, and Jeff is upset with her for defending him. This controversy on the podcast only made things worse.


NEVER feel bad for influencers begging for money on social media when they could easily get a job like the rest of society, they're just lazy looking for easy money NO remorse.


I want anyone who thinks Taylor is innocent and not just try to cover her ass, to think about the fact that it's been a known thing for many years that Blake is a bad person. Do you think Taylor wasn't aware of her behavior all this time? So now she's throwing Blake under the bus. I doubt Blake will be at the Superbowl


There isn’t a single influencer that I despise more. David is seriously the shittiest person. Also Brooke should STAY canceled making excuses for David is insane😅


I love that Tana is ten toes for Jeff. What was done to him was wrong. It destroyed his life completely and she’s not going to stop supporting him just because everyone else is “too scared of controversy” She’s a real friend. She’s really grown into a solid adult. Good for her.


i pity jason. david will never understand poverty and talking to him about it will never do what he wants it to. david will continue to laugh and make a mockery of him. its sad.


11:15 “take personal responsibility for their careers” I know who that guy voted for


Unpopular opinion why is Brooke still on that pod like I don’t think anyone cares to hear what she has to say anymore 😅


Wow, David putting in clips that people don’t want to be out there. I think I’ve seen this film before. Zero accountability, zero growth, zero change.


Coming from the point of view of an older individual.  It is extremely hard for older adults, like over 40 to re-enter to work force.  Jason wasn’t off when he said he wasn’t employable at his age.  He’s competing with younger, more educated individuals who have more work experience.   Plus, it’s hard to consider starting over at the very bottom of the ladder when your close to middle age.


what surprises me about the controversy of emilia perez it's that only the trans actress was cancelled but the director who have openly said racists things is awarded


Wondering if you could put chapters in these teacap videos so we can see what topics are where?