“You bant, I drive” Phil honey you can’t drive
The neighbours are signing a petition to kick them out of the building as we speak
I don't know what I found funnier. "The old branding is coming back with a vengeance" (or however he worded it). Or: exasperated "Oh, just say it" "ALL OR NOTHING."
“Oh dearie mizzle!! OH for shizzle, my bizzle frizzle!”~Daniel Howell 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if magically the cheese costume dissappears before the live stream tomorrow... I wonder how it would happen. And why.
“Deary mizzle, oh for shizzle...” flashbacks of d-hizzle and p-lizzle intensifies
Dan seems SO British with all his "Oh dear"s
welcome to geometry class 101 with Dan and Phil
The progression of 'Dan vs. Phil' to 'BRLUGHBERPHLURB' makes me very happy
now i can finally tell my mom i've been watching something that involves geometry
"okay thats a whole lot of things i doubt a teacher would ever say" dan have you forgotten your piano teacher
Phil: "Dan's not hot" Yeah because he's not on fire anymore
CONTENT: You should do the 12 days of dilmas and everyday you have to sing "On the first day of dilmas Dil transformed for me *insert random object the simray gives you*" Then the second day you say the random object from that day AND then the day before so you create your own song Hope this makes sense!
dan vs phil has just become gibberish at this point
I never realized how much I smiled/laughed whenever I watch dan and phil until I put a clay facemask on and i am having a hard time not smiling and cracking and fucking up my mask
I love how the dan vs phil intro has completely disintegrated now
Does anyone else really love when Phil says "hello Dan and Phil games blank " Because I do
I knew the cheese costume would become iconic