
Best breakdown of B gap I’ve come across - makes complete sense! Thanks!


Thank you so much for the video!!! I think all SRAM 1x owner should know this. I had my derailleur hanger snapped. I had to compromise between the smooth shifting between the 1st gear and the 11th gear. Only to find out later that it all had to do with the b screw for the distance between the jockey wheel and the 1st gear.


Thanks for sharing the knowledge Danny.


i took my road bike to the shop where i bought it from because they offer "life time tune ups" when buying a bike from them. I don't remember exactly why I took it, but after getting it back, eventually, I noticed that I couldn't shift into the the biggest sprockets of the cassette. During a climb in one of my rides, the chain completely came off while trying to shift into these larger sprockets, causing me to lose my footing and my balance. After procrastinating for a couple months, I finally decided to take a look at it myself. I adjusted the h-limit screw and the shifts were really smooth... until getting to the last 2 sprockets. I tweaked the barrel adjuster, the L-limit screw... and still, no luck. So then I thought to myself: what even does the b-limit screw do, and what if it's that? And Bingo! The guide pulley was way too close to the cassette, causing the chain to grind against the sprocket when trying to shift, instead of going over and on the cogs. I was so proud of myself. Shifting and ride after was a lot more enjoyable 😊

PS. EVERY time I take my bike to the shop, they do unsatisfactory work. I forgot to say that when they supposedly tuned it for me, they were done in about 5 minutes lol


I have XX1 on 2 bikes and I run it so the jockey wheel rubs when changing to the 50t, it's the only way I have ever been able to get quick and reliable shifting, this is taking sag into account as well.


Great info! Thanks! Now I'm glad that I basically never use 1. or 2. gear.


3:08 the chain is definitely wrong, never did the chain ever seat onto 1st gear


I always thought that the jump from 42t to 52t would be a bit too much of a stretch.  If I were to go the Eagle route would you still recommend the cassette with the 50t biggest cog?  Since I am not 100% happy with Shimano 12 speed (although the ratios are not the issue there). I am thinking about which drivetrain to go for on a new AM frame I am gonna build up. Thanks!


The good news is that I never use the 52T sprocket. And if I ever have to use it, I would not shift under force anyway.


I am updating my NX to GX, which includes a new wheel & hub and new cassette.  I have been very happy with my SRAM 1x12 with 50t.  
I have been reading and watching reviews and see very few comparing the 10-50 vs the 10-52 and I not found a definitive answer of whether I should stay with 10-50 or move to 10-52.
Do you or others have an opinion?


could you please tell the story of the failed crowd funding for the riding house? i've read comments here trying to paint you in a bad light for it and i'm interested in your perspective


Now I know how my hanger got bent with NX system, I never hit it and had to straighten it and replace at same time when switched to slx drivetrain on ebike


I’ve been a Sickbiker subscriber now for a few years now, newer to the MTB Life and continued Periodic maintenance, Your channel is great and educational for DIY Riders. I bought a Brand new MTB With a SRAM 1x12 Eagle mechanical XO1 Drivetrain . Can I get some feedback on what to do either before and or after rides. Is there some kind of a pretreatment lubricants to apply to a new fresh Drivetrain ? Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Useful tips 👍🏻


I noticed that chain does not fit on cassette teeth


I did not enjoy Eagle 520% cassette. I sold it and got Eagle 500%. No problems since.


Save the front derailleur...


I never understood why Sram stuff is so expensive when it has design flaws all over. Just try a SX rear mech and tell me it is on par with 12sp deore. Hell no.


Flickerling please adjust you Shutterspeed!


Sram failure??? Say it ain't so!!!😂😂😂  XT for life!