“OH kill joe” was a quick response 😂 he def don’t play!!
i love garrett’s commentary😭 he’s saying what we’re all thinking
I feel like instead of sentencing 28 years for the years that she was alive, they should have given him a sentence for all the years that she had lost
I hate the western entitlement of expecting everyone to speak english. It's my partner's job to learn MY language if he cares to converse with my family and understand.
It's heartbreaking. He is obviously a weak, insecure man. That poor woman didn't deserve to be treated like that.
Payton, girl calm down, y’all ain’t going to be cancelled over dumplings 😂
Payton: "I am just the message deliver" you mean the messenger? 😂
Garrett coming in with our thoughts and Payton trying to calm the situation 😂😂😂😂
Garret having the filter set to Off for this story 😂😂😂 I do agree with most though ahah
I get so happy when I hear Peyton say "You are listening to an Oh No media podcast ". Love you guys
Just wanted to comment to let you know that my puppy only five years old passed this week extremely suddenly (healthy, and normal on Tuesday dead by Thursday due to unexpected blood disorder developing over night) and this week‘s podcast helped me more than you know. It filled the silence in my long drive back to college and gave me a great distraction. Thank you guys for all you do.
I’VE BEEN REFRESHING JUST WAITING PATIENTLY 🤣 I love yall, so frickin refreshing!
As a new mother these true crime cases involving children and mothers just really hit different, praying for her family and her baby girl! Breaks my heart
Love Garrett’s romantic advice♥️
The way my head snapped up when I heard his name, we all knew him for so long, no one still knows how he hid this side of himself for our entire childhood
Heartbreaking taken to soon from her life and family and daughter and then to further traumatize your daughter by leaving her in the car while your dispose of your wife and mother of your child’s body. 🤯🤔 prayers for the family and the daughter 🤍
It's always crazy hearing stories from where I live 😮 I know where all these places are. I know it's true crime but it just makes it so much more real
Y'all are my absolute favorite!! I've binged all the episodes damn near twice and was just "patiently" waiting for this new episode 😅 THANK YOU!!!!❤
This is heartbreaking such a young life and she had so much potential and had so much potential to be even more may this sweet angel rest in peace 😢