
Link For 🧰⚙Tools and Portable Espresso Maker in this Video

☕Espresso Maker (Portable) ☕
1--- Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker
2--- Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker (with capsule adaptor)
3--- Picopresso Portable Espresso Maker (New version)

-----🧰⚙Tools ------

- 🧰 Rotary Tool 🧰 -
1--- Dremel Rotary Tool Kit
2--- Dremel Rotary Tool Accessory Kit

- 🧰 Electrical Screwdriver 🧰-
1---Electric Screwdriver
2---Mini Electric Drill

- 🧰 Nicle Plating Tools/solution 🧰-
1---Nicle plating solution (more shinny result)
2---Nicle plating solution (Faster result)
3---Pure Nickel Strip

- 🧰Polishing Tools 🧰-
1---Metal Polish and Cleaner Paste
2---Polishing Soap
3---Dremel Polishing Kit
4---Dremel Abrasive Buffing Wheels

- 🧰Solder Sucker🧰-
1---Electrical Solder Sucker
2---Mechanical Solder Sucker 

🧰 IC grabber 🧰


Brother over here nickel plating screws, lol.
This is next level.


I think you got the world record for the most effort put into a restauration, this is near insanity, immaculate job and respect.


The way this guy molded a new portion of the case with epoxy was epic. Such creative ways to solve problems.


That is a hell of a job you did. What most people would think is trash or beyond repair, you saw an ultimate challenge to prove them wrong. 
Mad respect.👏👏👏


The supreme PS One RESTORATION of all time.


The PS1 boot sound will never get old to me. I spent my childhood listening to it.


This Video is truly worth calling "Restoration". holy moly, just incredible!!!


This is the kind of before & after where you go "that's a different person, you ain't fooling me", but with consoles. Unbelievable job!


This is one of the most amazing videos I've ever seen. If there was such a thing as a concurs de elegance competition for Playstations you've won it outright.


I've been captivated by the world of restoration videos for over five years, but discovering your channel a few months ago has been a revelation. As I've watched all your videos, my admiration and gratitude have grown immeasurably. The extraordinary quality of your production, your deep scientific understanding of the solutions, tools, and materials you use, and your outstanding meticulousness—right down to perfecting the retrobrighting process all the way to nickel-plating the screws—are simply beyond words. I find myself wanting to spend hours praising your work, which stands as a masterpiece in the universe of restorations.

I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Sir, for sharing your unparalleled craftsmanship. Your ever-expanding archive of knowledge is sure to inspire future generations to continue the legacy of restoring timeless gaming systems that have defined our generation, introducing eras yet to come to the wonders of such consoles. You have gained a lifelong fan and pupil here in Rome, Italy. Please, keep up the magnificent work. <3


This is what "Restoration" is all about! I watched till the last second. Thank you.


Thank you for preserving gaming history.


Cara, você elevou os canais de restauraçào do Youtube a outro patamar. Estou impressionado. Parabéns 👏👏👏👏


That PSONE is better than new, cleaner than it left the original factory , deserves to be in a museum .. Your channel deserves more subs ..


The fact that the motherboard survived is incredible.


This was brilliant, what an artist. My guy even cleaned and used the original screws.


Late to the party I want to appreciate the effort in saving a part of my childhood. My first Playstation went in the rubbish by my dad in the 2005. I cried a lot, I told him there is someone who could saved it, but he wasn't believed me. I showed him this video today and he is absolutely stunned. He apologize for junk my first Playstation and now he understand that there is a limit in production of these consoles so keeping old parts of them is the same as keeping old pictures or juwelry. Once they are lost they never come back again the same way.
Great work all of your restaurations.
Ps: my husband brings a Playstation One in the marriage, so there is no bad blood with my dad anymore😊


The painstaking process of fixing something as old and broken as this. Something that was by all metrics dead, and bring it back to life again. 
It was weirdly emotional. 

In a way, you didn’t just restore a console. You restored memories long buried. 

For many people, the ones we enjoyed this console with have passed on. Family, friends, loved ones. Refusing to give up on it even if it’s hard was meaningful. 

Thank you for this.


I just finished the video.

First of all, like others are saying, this is more than a restoration. This is art.

The restoration and yourself.

The amount of focus this must've taken is immense. I've done my own stuff so I'm not foreign what goes into this. I'm interested in more than the restoration. YOU, have got my attention. What is your background? What're your values? For real, you are an incredible human being. While I consider myself very strong willed and persistent, this is something else. It's not persistence. It's serenity.