
When Siena tells the costume shop cashier she forgot her purse only to have Art slam it on the counter is probably one of the best moments in this movie


I really, really hope Art turns out to be Siena's father, and that the journal was his sane persona's last ditch effort to give her a way to beat his dark side.


I love how he always tells his audience good and bad things about the movies


“No I’m on drugs mom it’s different” was a hilarious line. I’m going to have to remember that next time my mom accuses me of being drunk.


I really like how they put in the interview on TV while art makes the weapons. Really connects the two movies in a good way.


I wonder if Art might be their father, who had been slowly getting possessed. I wonder if the girl is maybe the spirit or being that is connected to Art. Add in how the father was said to be mentally ill, and had moments when he would get violent with even his daughter, before dying in a wreck (maybe attempting to stop art, but this causes art to take full control of his body). I also think that the demonic head we see in the picture/drawing being held is the actual look the demon possessing art has, which their father might have been privy to, but also if you look at both art an the clown girl they have a semi-similar design look to it.


The bedroom kill was one of the most graphic kills I’ve seen in any horror movie, ever


My Dad went to school at Montevallo with the guy who plays art before he left to pursue acting, said he was a cool dude who he never would have thought could play a part like this.


I really like that there's no actual reason for Art to go around killing, no "im going after the kids of the parents who killed me" or "you're my sister im gonna kill you," he's just an evil asshole


When I saw Art with the flower glasses I burst out it laughter. It truly was a work of Art lol.


The Halloween shop scene is by far my favorite of the whole movie. It’s easy for casual horror fans to watch, compared to the equally amazing and technical bedroom murder scene. Perfectly shows Art’s humor and how nothing phases him


That purgatory dream sequence segment of this film was excellent. The actress that played sienna did a phenomenal job of showing how afraid and uncomfortable she was. It was just unfortunate that this movie seemed to drag on multiple occasions.


Art the clown has earned a place as one of the most horrifying characters in horror movies fir me. I've seen so many movies it hard to get me, but damn this movie and the first one make my skin crawl.


I know people get frustrated with a lack of story with the first 2, but I actually love what Damien Leone has been doing here. He has been leaning on his strengths related to practical effects and establishing Art as iconic. These elements ensure he can keep making installments, and instead of giving everything away in the first film or 2, he is slowly but surely filling things in. It's like the "hollup let him cook" meme but in a film franchise.


The happy dance Art does with the Bleach and Salt was easily the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. The whole scene was horrific, but the dance In was actually terrifying.


Out of all the horror movies I’ve seen in my life, I gotta say allies death was beyond the worst out of all, she couldn’t catch a break


So you wake up and see a naked guy, covered in blood, with a clown mask on who is playing patty cake with himeself. Is there ever a situation in which you do not immediately leave and call the police? I find the fact that the dude didn't immediately RUN less believable than Art being a resurrected killer clown.


I saw terrifier 2 in theaters when it came out and I can say that was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been. I think my fiancé handled it better than I did.
I just wanna throw out there it’s also my favorite horror movie of all time. I don’t need a bunch of betas acting fake  tough over a movie


I really liked this movie, always will remember this movie as i watched it with my sister & we can do something together. That murder scene with the bleach was probably one of the most brutal scences I've seen, i rewatched it like 10xs. The mother getting killed actually caught me by surprise.


For a moment I thought the main twist could be that Sienna's brother actually will one day become Art The Clown. But since Art tried to kill him multiple times, that theory fails.