This is one of the most useful, No BS zve-10 videos on YT. Thank You so much!
Thank you , this was the best video I've seen that explains the use of Slog2 and color grading!
Hi, Jay. After a pause from video work, I am getting back into it and want to take next steps on color grading with my Sony footage. This video has motivated me to advance. I appreciate your clear, engaging, and open approach. You're a great teacher/tutor and I've watched many of your videos since entering the mirrorless world. Thanks for your knowledge and positivity!
Thank u
Just got the ZV-e10. Excactly what I've been looking for! Thanks a ton :)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I learned a lot. Sorry that I can only give you 1 thumbs up for this video.
Clutch tutorial man, thanks! I just got a ZV-E10 and I need all the help I can get
Thanks man, I'm not a videoagrapher at all bu for me who has somehow managed to do video... this helped BIG time
Thank you so much for this informative yet simple video to understand how to expose and color grade the S-log 2. I've been struggling to find videos over the last few months to understand the process since most of the ones online are too complicated.
Thank you so much! This is the easiest explanation video I’ve watch!
Thank you so much. You are the best. I have learned so much from your videos.
Absolute killer job with the simplicity of this my bro!
Very very thanks for all your help. It's very important video about aslog2 .we was waiting this video for long time .
I’ve been using the nisi ND filter. It’s one of the best filters I’ve ever used
Wow, Jason, another great video! I've much to learn. Easy with your content. Thanks so much! Greats from Hannover/Germany, Mathias 😮
Hey Jason, great video. I love how easy you make manual color grading from S-Log2. Thanks for sharing!
New to all this exposure and grading for video . As a photographer I use an incident light meter to place the correct tones during exposure. More expensive than grey card but more convenient when lighting is constantly changing. Great video Thanks for sharing
That was amazing for my grade flow! Thanks a lot!!!