
I never knew about these disorders until now. I now realize how important it is to support postpartum mothers. Great video 👍🏼


Hugs to all the moms who are struggling


Many people say enjoy the time with your little baby because it will grow so fast. On one side it is right. The child will grow up so fast. But on the other side such statements can put more pressure on the new mother. You can not always enjoy the time with your baby and I had to learn to also accept this


I watched helplessly while they cut my sister open to get my nephew out during a C-section. I am forever changed and forever grateful to my own mother who delivered me the same way.  I’m a nanny and I get such fulfillment from knowing that I can take a small amount of stress off of new moms.


I love my kids and love that I am their mother . Everything i do is for them and I made sure as a single mom my mental health was taken care off while raising my children alone. 😊


For me I was left to survive. Giving birth was horrible and I think I got some kind of trauma from it because every time I even see "birth centre etc." I feel very sick mentally. My baby woke up up to 20 times per night. I had to survive nights alone and I tried to seek help but they only said to me that "babies just cry, it will be over soon or you will miss the moments". I was (and still am) tired, overwhemed, lonely and my body is a mess so I get sick all the time. Of course I love my child but everything is just big mess and I would just like to sleep. Nothing more, nothing less.


Humans in in prehistoric times and even today in traditional cultures care for their kids as a community. The mother/ parents are still the primary caregiver, but  the community gives  both emotional and physical support.


My wife and I have two children. After her first birth, my wife developed postnatal depression for 9 months, and struggled to bond with our child. After our second child, she developed post natal psychosis. She had a manic episode so severe I had to take our children and leave. We stayed in hotels for weeks and I had to leave my job. My children and I have since been living in a Sunday school room for the last three months and my wife is in hospital being treated for what the doctors have called schizoaffective disorder. She’s feeling much better and will be released from hospital next week. This has been one of the scariest and overwhelming experiences of my life. And I feel terrible that my wife will be on medication probably for the rest of her life. It’s so sad that having children can sometimes be literally too much for a woman to handle.


A video focusing specifically on motherhood has a "but what about the fathers" top liked comment.
It doesn't sit well with me, that one group's difficult and unique experiences are so easily hijacked and pushed under the general term of parenting.

Not to say fatherhood doesn't have it's own unique challenges worthy of looking into, they just don't have to be brought into a video about motherhood


In this time of social media, where negative news spreads like wildfire, the mothers are even more prone to get sick mentally. Understanding husbands can help them prevent these problems and manage the issues when arise


I love my mother 🥰


Meeting other moms helped me so much. So I learned that nobody has my problems I have, but other problems I gladly not have.
And throught the hardest cries from my baby earphones with music from my favourite artist helped me to go forward.


I want kids but I'm so afraid. I already have depression, and having kids will probably break me into pieces. (I'm well aware of this and still want them).


I have three children. And unfortunately, I had to take care of them myself. They are also close in age. And I had no help. My husband constantly ran away to work and was not home for months. And I fell into a deep depression. For many years. And only now I am pulling myself out of the " bottom" And I think that if there were videos like this, I would have gotten help faster.


As someone whose career is done at home, i was trying to hack the struggle between fulltime mom vs career mom. I did both. I full time career at home (and hire a maid) while also fully taking care of my kid. Thinking im able to do it all, i destroy my health and mentality in just 2 years. Now recovering. Mom shouldnt be shamed for any of her choice, i tried to grasp both side and it destroys


I experienced many of these things when my wife gave birth, and I had no hormone issues, so I can't imagine how hard this could be while being the mother.

It would nice to know if these things affect many fathers as well, or how it might  affect us.


Thank you for this amazing video! It should be shown instead of commercials on TV. ❤❤❤


I know the feeling..  the moment since delivery everything seems bad.. family issues, body changed, no more single Life enjoyment,no job, financial burden, everyone else is enjoying..


Some points are true also for the fathers, but yes please, be more mindful of the mother of your child.


This has much more to do with a terrible partner than the baby being born. My ex ruined motherhood for me. Ex for a reason. I would have been so much happier as a mother if he had not completely changed into a huge jerk when I had our second child. He said he hated me for nurturing them and not him. And he was jealous of them for getting so much love that he never got as a child. He criticized everything I did and all I could say is you would have loved to have had a mother like me. 
He hated us for loving each other. Let that sink in. 
I vetted him so hard. I don’t know what else I could have done bc he didn’t do that after our first was born. It was after the second for some reason. 
Be careful out there ladies. And remember to ask yourself, am I emotionally out of control and depressed or is it really that my enemy sleeping in my bed, and I’m reacting normally to the life being drained from me? Think very hard before you decide that you’re the problem.