
As a little girl I loved this movie. I didn't care what anyone thought. Still looking for it today to see if I like it as much as an adult.


It was always fun whenever Roger disliked a film, his sarcastic jabs knew no bounds.


First Dream a Little Dream, then Stealing Home, and now Heartbreak Hotel...could his review of She's Out of Control be far behind? :-P


This wasn't the first time Roger broke his protocol. The year earlier, he yelled at the screen at Jaws IV when famously Michael Caine is pulled out of the water and the next shot shows his clothes are bone dry. "HIS SHIRT IS DRY!" Gene Siskel once said that he always imagined one day, watching a bad movie in theatres, that he could jump out of his seat and yell to the audience around him  "Aren't your lives more meaningful than sitting here watching this dreck!"


Great movie, I loved it when it was released.