
We do not walk by sight.  We walk by faith.


My interpretation is that Eli was a Prophet of the Lord and God gave him the sight he needed to perform this sacred task and then allowed Eli to rest in the peace he deserved.


The Key to the book is the Cross around Eli's neck.  Carnagie took the book, but didn't take the Crucifix to open it.

The Island that they go to at the end is Alcatraz.

More clues he was blind, he told Solara to be quiet and heard the bird flying way before she did.  When he fought the hijackers, he moved back into the dark where he would have the advantage.  when he lit the lighter, he had to move his hand through it to actually know if a flame was there.  When he needed boots, he felt the feet of the guy in the car and then the guy in the cabin before he knew the boots where there.  When it was morning, the only way he knew it was morning is when he put his face in the Sun.

The original directors uncut movie started out before the war when Carnegie was a young boy and his mother watched Televanglists and she gave all her money away to them.

I do believe Eli was born blind as well, that is why he knows how to read Braille.


That end scene when he's dressed as a man of God and that music gets me every time .
Great performance by Denzel Washington.


You two are excellent reactors. I really appreciate your post movie conversations.

The "shakes" you are referring to that the cannibals experience is indeed a real phenomenon caused by prions. Freaky stuff.


There are quite a few hints that he is blind. At the old folks home,  he says he didn't see the No Trespass sign even though he walked right past it. When he encountered the highjackers, he said you don't need sight when you can smell people. When he is reading the Bible, he is not looking at it but they don't show his hands on the book.


When you think about it, even the opening scene gives a clue that he's blind. He didn't shoot his arrow at the cat until the cat made a little noise. And, when they had the shootout in the street, he shoots where he hears the shots coming from.


Man on fire, Flight, Fallen, and Inside man are some hidden gems for Denzel. Not as popular as his big stuff but are underrated in my opinion and are a must watch!


Signs he was blind:
-He looked directly into the sun, people with sight can't do that and have to shield their eyes.He doesn't even flinch
-He smelled the high-jackers before they appeared and it was outdoors
-He then ignores the leader when he talks to him and continues to look around him
-But when the leader pushes him, and says "Are you listening?" Eli, has a gauge of the attacker and where he is and says, "I am now"
-He hears the chain saw, so that one was easy.
-He heard Solara following him
-He FELT the water in the bowl and cave
-You notice Eli ALWAYS picks a spot with natural sunlight to sleep cause it wakes him up from the warmth, cause he can't see when it's time to get up.
- He takes an interest in Claudia and her background when finds out she is blind
-When Eli went to go see about getting his device charged, the owner says the name and that he hasn't seen on since the 90s. Eli said he didn't know the brand, that he just got it back East. When the shop owner looks down, the name is clearly on the device. People think that Eli's ignorance shows or he just doesn't care about the brand
-Eli feels the lighters flame to see if it's lit. That way he knows it works and the shop owner won't try to cheat him cause he knows he's blind
-Eli clearly didn't see the old cannibal couples NO TRESPASSING sign. He says he didn't see it, so they don't know he's blind, but something an oblivious person with sight might say. Solara can see it, but can't read...
-Eli attacks second, never first in a fight because he relies on sound.


Marian, you are right about the cannibalism issue. The exact cause is a pathogen protein, virus like. It causes a disease similar to the Mad cow disease, that's why the trembling hands. Off topic but... this movie got Denzel his first time trailing Filipino martial arts, this led to the next series of movies of him, "The Equalizer", I hope you watch those movies soon too. I always have a great time watching movies with you guys, much love from Chile! ❤🤗🙏


The best thing about this movie is if you really pay attention throughout the film, you can really discover that denzo's character is blind even without discovering the twist at the end. For example, the scene where he shoots the bird. He was listening for it, similar to how someone who was sightless would listen for things. And even when he shot it, it was more like he didn't aim he just shot where he last heard the flapping of the bird.There are certain things you you have to pay, close attention to, and you figure it out


Eli always fired in response to the sound. In a fight, he also beat either those who touched him or those who made noise.


Let’s go! The people have voted and our voices were heard! This movie was absolutely one of Denzel’s best!❤


This has one of iconic Gary Oldman's most under- rated characters, just like his role as "sniper" Lee Harvey Oswald in Oliver Stone's epic film "JFK", & as Ludwig Van Beethoven in "Immortal Beloved"...


"Flight" is another great Denzel Washington movie.


He's lead by faith, not sight.


I love how he said, he's the only one who's suppose to touch the book.. and how he's been untouched. The moment he gives it up lightning strikes and get shots, cause he didn't trust God in that moment..


If you rewatch, Denzel is such a great actor, you can see he is blind when you know to look for it, but it isn't so obvious as to spoil the twist ending. Not many can act thst gone line.


I think he gets shot because he handed the book over to the enemy - while he kept it safe he was protected. But he did memorize it so that was good - and the protector (Angel) helped him arrive where he needed to go.


I love this movie and the reaction. the reveal is great and the rewatch is just as good. Trust.

Btw some of the tells are...
...he didn't see the hanging body in the closet but he smelled it and felt for the shoes...
...he heard the mouse...
...he smelled the gang...
...he waited for ppl to attack first to know where they were...
...he didn't see the no trespassing sign...
And more...