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The only thing I got from this whole controversy is that people in India have wayy too much free time. šŸ˜…


It's the odd thing that we hate someone for something and do the same or more horrible things to them


claims to be offended by a sexual joke and then proceeds to threaten her with sexual assault. Irony


For some people making vulgar jokes on an adult show is unacceptable but giving a girl grape threats and hatee is veryy acceptable šŸ˜Š


Rebel Kidā€™s words were cringe and annoying, But grape threats? Matlab seriously? This is where the outrage goes totally off-trackā€”people expose their own toxic mentality more than the person theyā€™re hating on. If you donā€™t like what she said, criticise her and ignore itā€”simple. But sending disgusting threats? That just proves the real problem isnā€™t her words, itā€™s the mindset of the people reacting. And then the same log will say, ā€œOh, girls play the victim card.ā€ Bhai, when you go this extreme over a dumb joke, what do you expect? Freedom of speech doesnā€™t mean forgetting basic humanity.


Sinners judging sinners while committing sins.


It's great to have influencers like you nowadays who are making people to think before making a judgement or having such strong emotions towards someone. Hope you do great and continue to influence people in positive direction šŸ˜Š


Sir you actually said it so true. I have also felt the feeling of unempathetic bombarding of people, loneliness and toxicity, so can truly feel for them, ofcourse not the intensity, but yea atleast little bit. Thanks to you for uploading this video from there side who have been experiencing thisā¤. God bless you bhaiya and them allā¤


Very true,  hate is worst nature of humans. 

I once read somewhere 
* if you wanna destroy anyone , teach them to hate and rest will take  care of itself *
 Great video swetabh bhai


Personally I don't like rebel kid..but I don't hate her also..I don't like her because she uses lot of abusive word in her videos and foul language and she sometimes influencs people in wrong way..even though she says in her videos that not to get influenced by her..other than this she is a good person..and people giving her r@pe threats in her dm's is just horrible


Great video dude. Loved hearing your insights.. Would love to see more of your arguments like such. But i have exams for now so can't watch much. But do keep up ur work.šŸ‘


Irony: people who are spreading hate are not watching this video šŸ’€


No one deserves R@** Threat , You're giving such threats , You know you're saying you'll be committing a serious heinous Crime right?? Mann Such bad times


Irony is people trying to stop vulgarity by spreading vulgarity 3:27 šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Watching ur videos first time and subscribed u 
That's really different type of perspective


Samaj aur sanskaar ki baat krne wale hi Grape* threat de rhe hai! Irony!

Edited:  Some people seem to think Iā€™m saying all sanskaari balak are sending grape threats, interesting how their reading comprehension works.

If youā€™re not sending threats, then this obviously isnā€™t about you. But 100% of the people who are doing it seem to be the self-proclaimed guardians of culture and morality. Pointing that out isnā€™t generalization, itā€™s just basic observation. If that makes you uncomfortable, maybe ask yourself why.


Productive people using attack mode dont watch entire video. They comment in Shwetabh's video to post their progress and leave. That's it. Makes me very happy to see this


What they all said was tasteless & disgusting but at the same time the involvement of politicians & police is still crazy-
Like ig we still have many other serious crimes & problems to deal with & all of this can just be left for audience to criticise and dealt with



0:10 love you for this
Followed you from my class 10th (around 7 years)

And since I have not completed my today's work, adding this to watch later.