
feels like a time travel trip


Really good Track, sounds like a new masterpiece! Very very good


Very good effects with the best musical sounds  💯💥🎶🔥🎼🎧❤


Bomb brothers!! ❤‍🔥


THis molody it is sou hypnoosia omh shiva
  Very good track
And space cat Thanks


wooohh what track, so good


Stete of your mind
 Your mind it is full of psykedelic trance
  Goa trance never die 👍👍👍😀😀😈🇫🇮


What a great Song . This is goa at it's best 🎉🎉🎉


Excellent Colab Track & Visuals Are Amazing 🙏👽👽❤️❤️🔥✨


Shpongle vibes 💛


I’m really loving what Space Cat is doing with his new back to the old school trance bassdrums lately ❤


Shamanic Tales strikes again! :face-fuchsia-wide-eyes:Fantastic year! :hand-purple-blue-peace:
The tune is dope! :hand-orange-covering-eyes:Insanely brilliant!:face-blue-star-eyes::face-red-heart-shape:


when music+ good visuals become healing


Really impressive, good imagination!!! Sci- Fi, renaissance , clairvoyance, Elves, Castaneda, cosmic, comedic, kaleidoscope of the   metaphysical ….. i❤this! 5:01


Excellent !!!! Whaou 🎉❤️  just wath I need  ! Good sound and visual ! 
J’adorrrre !


Shpongle is hear!!


Amazing 🤩 👽🙏❤️


Very good




Ништяк вообще движуха 😎