
I respect the fact that the mimes weapons were completely invisible!


R.I.P Benny i will always support your legacy 

This is my first listing since your passing your words give me comfort and again insay thank you


Dr Manhattan whipping the field not even trying ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I really like the feelings about the characters that drive the story. And the totally opposite image that it portrays to DarKnights Metal


Doomsday clock was a amazing story in my opinion


Rest in peace


What a gloriously beautiful ending, one of, if not my favorite honor of DC and Superman. And it feels as it should, acknowledged as such, especially for Superman: Infinite possibility, larger than life.
Superman is forever, because he is Superman.


The Comic Book Story is finally here for me to enjoy watching.


โ€œThe smartest, of courseโ€ -Goes to Luthor. Kind of a dumb move, Oz.


Dr Manhattan is so damn cool, especially his presence being all time 1:15:37


1:22:18 man kinda sad, Carver tryna bring Jon a drink
1:44:34 so happy Jon changed and tells Carver


57:22 Man, Firestorm was so out of control people were talking about it in the Marvel universe!


1:15:10 the flash is a fukn menace lmao ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Loving the story so far! I think there is an audio bug around 36:30 FYI.


1:43:14 damn Andrian is too smart


What this isnโ€™t in continuity anymore?? Why are comics so hard to keep track of there stories ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


the fact that moving the green lantern battery by a few inches have such a drastic changes......


This story is everywhere ๐Ÿ’€


Only 20 in but so far, know the lore, but this still did rorshack so dirty


Thank you so much