This is the most interesting language that I have heard...
Język walijski = język elfów. Trudny ale piękny, brzmiący wyjątkowo. "Welsh is of this soil, this island, the senior language of the men of Britain; and Welsh is beautiful." J. R. R. Tolkien
Even the reveal had extra steps😅
Diolch o galon o Gymru am yr ysiòrt brâf hon, fel Cymro a aeth yr ysgol gynradd dwyieithog ar yr ymyl gorllewin ddim yn bell o’r mynyddoedd, ma’r gwiddéo hon yn golygu gormod i fi, Diolch o Gymru 🏴 / Dziękuję z Walii 🏴 (Wi’n dysgu’r Iaith Bwyleg)
this feels so midieval, I can see a monnik reading this infront of a class
I got tech and signal, going back I now get gopr as copper
Lets give it a moment of appreciation to a fact that English is dominant language in the world, so we can all learn it and communicate 😅
Rwy'n siaradwr cymraeg, felly ydw, dwi'n deall yn hollol. 😜
Gwyfren 😂 or as we say in North Wales “ Weiar “ meddwl ma Gymraeg y gogledd yn neud mwy sense
yes! it's just like cantonese
Spamming subscription feeds with shorts is never a good move. Nobody wants a wall of videos in their feed.
sounds like aliens
No 😂
I’ll come back when they discover that vowels exist in orthography too 💀💀💀
It's so ugly to see written, probably would benefit from having its own alphabet. But sounds cool, very ancient.