Don't worry fetus Dan you turned out alright.
When you feel about as useful as Dan's belt
Am I the only one who realized he didn't say "Hello Internet" at the start
"taken a year out" it's 2015 Dan
This video has like almost every clip used in sad edits and that's all I can think about so seeing Dan cry in this is making me way more emotional than it should
Phil is litterally me playing video games
I wish i had a friend like phil. i just need some support in my life and i feel like someone like phil would be perfect
"I've taken a year off" oh really dan, have you?
Phil laughing at Spyro is literally the best thing ever. "Pikachu doesn't understand my pain."
Okay but imagine Dan crying because he's stressed and Phil comforting him, not necessarily in a romantic way. Don't just imagine it how they recreated the event, actually imagine it like if you were there in the exact moment.
1:36 - 2:06 Phil's Frickin LAUGH gets me all the time
"pikachu doesn't understand my pain" "I wish I could just die" most relatable Dan quotes ever
I wish I had a friend like Phil
Now in 2017 you realize he’s talking about depression without directly mentioning it.
who else is going through an existential crisis right now I am
I'd kill for a friend like phil
That moment when Phil is freaking possessed😂😂
When Phil wss laughing whe sounded like a demon
So what I got out of this is if dan had just studied in his room instead of the living room where Phil was playing his game he could've become a lawyer instead of one of the biggest youtubers out there