His off the cuff "rant" about autofocus not being real videography, was disturbingly accurate to the target being attacked lol
As someone that only recently got into lifting, this is a super weird crossover that I didn't know I needed.
This Crossover of 2 Niches that just perfectly fit my interests scratches my brain just perfectly.
i regret not taking a photo with the dog
I had to do a double take to make sure I saw the title & thumbnail correctly, what a crossover!
massive RP fan here!!!! this is what i needed in my life
It’s hard to pull off a Versa Gripps bit. I appreciated it. 😂
Oh man, that intro shot. Dr. Mike looks like Mini-Me with Gerald in frame.
Mike does a pretty damn good Forrest Gump impression, damn nice gym space too.
I wholeheartedly support Dr. Mikes explanation of autofocus users at 09:00 🤣🤣🤣
I can’t believe my 2 worlds have collided like this. Gerald has literally guided my professional video purchases for years, and Dr. Mike has taught me so much about lifting and splits. I watch both all the time. That’s why I’m the greatest DP with 40” biceps. J/K I’m an average cam op and a skinny scrub, but this video still makes me smile.
And my worlds have collided... 🤯 Next it will be Mckinnon & Telander training for supertotal in Daniel Schiffer's studio
After watching 4782983 RP videos, we're finally getting to see "Scott the video guy" ... what a moment. Some of us didn't believe he was a real person :D
Now we need Dr. Mike to review Geralds gym setup
for those who follow RP, I believe this is the first time Scott the Video Guy is on camera. it was emotional.
Dr. Mike and Gerald in one video?! My brain is like “what the heck?!!”. Two channels that I think highly of, and never would have thought would have a collaboration!
Great collab!! Dr. Mike cinematography has always been quality, awesome to get a peek behind the curtain, mirror office is weird tho 😂. By the way the dog was having a reverse sneeze episode, if you cover one of their nostrils with your finger it really helps them snap out of it. My dog will do it for 5 mins at a time, covering one nostril clears it up within seconds.
THIS right here is a step to World Peace.
I thought I was high when I saw the thumbnail and title. I'm still high , but I really appreciate this crossover.