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No , please no race swap Keep it true to the books. Snape is white


If they make Snape a black dude, the series will fail. 


I am an Indian and I want a white actor to play Severus Snape. ASAT.


I am so sick of gender/race/race/orientation swaps. If they were portrayed that way originally I would be fine with it but they are just putting spins on things. No one noticed when most of the original cast were than so why complain it about the new cast now? Again I don't care about race and gender but I can't stand swaps especially for SJW reasons.


I thinK if Snape is not casted as white than they do not care what the over majority of the fans' feelings.  If you want the HBO series to be a success  than follow the books. Otherwise it will be a big fail. I for one would not be seeing it.


Adam Driver would make a really good Snape.  He has the voice, the physical looks, and is a really good actor.


If they make a pale pasty character as Snape black, guaranteed that will scare away 50% of viewers minimum from ever watching this


Very very bad call to race swap Professor Snape; People are very quick to scream racism but there are other black characters (Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson). Stick to source material!! Incoming flop😂😂😂😂😂😂


Happy with dumbledore. Cilian NEEDS to be voldemort. Papoose as snape is way off, don't like that. He could be kingsley shack


Love the idea of Tom Felton as Lucius.

I don’t think they should race swap Snape due to his pasty skin and oily dark hair.  And in particular Paapa shouldn't be casr, he maybe the right age but he is way too good looking.


Black Snape is all I need to know to avoid this series.


I’m begging y’all, don’t race swap one of the most important charecter Ms in the show just for a diverse cast, it will cut your viewership in possibly more than half. Like if you wanna race swap a side charecter fine, I would be more open to Hermonie I guess but, fuck what happend to the “ faithfull adaptation” of everything has to be inclusive and gay , and Jesus am I over this fucking bullshit


I actually LOVE John Lithgow as Dumbledore. He looks like the book description of Dumbledore. And out of the two Dumbledores we've had so far, the only one that was even close to Dumbledore in the books was Richard Harris, Michael Gambon was too intense for the calm guiding Dumbledore. "HARRY! DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!?!?!". In the books he asks it calmly. In the movies he all but shouts it. And I would rather have Murphy as Voldemort than Quirrel. Only because I love Murphy as an actor and he plays an EXCELLENT villain, but Quirrel would be a one season role, since he would die at the end of season 1. I'd like to have him in the show longer than one season.


Hopefully it'll go the same way as Fantastic Creatures.


I won't be watching this Snape was my favorite character and Allen was amazing please don't d.e.i this. It will fail if you do.


I will pass on this and stick to the movies.  Not interested in DEI snape


As a fan of the books and movies, I think acting AND physical casting is important. With as many actors in the world, why this guy? Just no!


There is no need to race swap Snape, he is one of the few characters whose skin colour was described as pale! They might as well cast a female Dumbledore & make the Weasley's Asian, give the Malfoy's black hair!


In this case YES !!!!!!! NOT a racist at all, I am sure he is a great actor but you cannot cast a colored man as Snape !!!!! Now maybe another Hogwarts professor BUT NOT SNAPE !!!!!!!

Voldemort looks good


Tom Felton would be spectacular as his father

Serius Black seems promising

Molly Weasly looks promising

Should be interesting who could play Bellatrix

How could J.K Rowling accept a colored Snape !!!!!!!