
Phil saying ‘we did it!’ after just watching Dan do it is the passenger princess energy I’m here for 💁🏻‍♀️


You can tell that Dan is the oldest child (controls the mouse, does not like spectating) vs Phil is the youngest (happy to watch someone else play games)


17:26 Markiplier's birthday is June 28th and he grew so quiet when he got to this part, the creators definitely did that to mess with him I bet


phil saying "more like slowen he's taking forever" while dan was trying to drag owen the oven was criminally under appreciated


“to our lesbian audience with mommy issues this is gonna be a weird episode” YOU GOT THAT RIGHT


i don’t think there’s a single dan and phil games horror video where phil doesn’t say “you scared me more than the game then” to dan


As a doll collector, I've got a room full of potential murderers, so I'm fully immersed. Shout out to the Betty Spaghetti representation.


Phil controlling the game and Dan yelling at him is the same vibe as a dad helping his kid with math homework


Dan’s sweater is just the high-fashion version of that one he used to have a decade ago. Love that evolution for him.


Dan correctly calling her "kissy missy" until phil calls her "kissy wissy" and then dan calling her "kissy wissy" for the rest of the game is so on brand for them😭


Dan and Phil giggling at Sean’s cameo made me smile so much 😂


Dan and Phil being tickled by Sean's cameo is chef's kiss and the kind of stuff I live for. They were like "oh our friend!" lmao so cute.


Watching their souls leave their body at a jumpscare will never get old


Dan and Phil instantly getting the puzzle that took Mark 45 minutes on a live stream is the best part of this video


dan looks like the type of guy that has to avoid bright light, avoid getting wet, and definitely NOT get fed past midnight.


I appreciate Phil coming up with a brand new name for Mommy Longlegs every time he talked about her. Peak dad humor


im dying at dan getting progressively louder and louder during the musical memory game


jumpscare list! let me know if there are any i missed!

0:04 BIG ONE preview of future jumpscare
8:38 loud crashing noise
11:32 poppy gets grabbed
13:21 hand gets grabbed
27:01 falling through the floor
31:57 steam
34:48 dan screams
34:54 BIG ONE
35:31 BIG ONE
36:17 BIG ONE
36:36 BIG ONE
39:25 very small one, alarm sets off and kissy appears
47:43 dan screams
49:31 BIG ONE
50:04 BIG ONE
51:21 BIG ONE
52:07 dan screams
59:19 falling through the vent, dan screams
59:33 BIG ONE
1:02:01 mommy appears
1:02:21 BIG ONE
1:03:40 BIG ONE
1:04:36 mommy appears again
1:05:44 she approaches


over an HOUR? we’re in for a treat <3


Both of them silently staring in horror as Mommy Long-Legs is brutally crushed to death
Phil "...yay!"