man just decided to become a pirate, his character is truly incredible
I like that Toby felt the need to clarify how it was pronounced in-game.
"chips ahoyeth, landlubbers" has now been added to my list of common household sayings, thank you deltarune
I really wanted Rouxl to pull a Sans move and become a really strong boss, so when this 'fight' started, I got all excited but alas, it was all real estate
Turns himself into a pirate. Funniest thing I've ever seen.
When I double checked my inventory I noticed he was gone. I was imagining his adventures to be anything other than what actually happened.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz when his scheme fails: "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!" Team Rocket when their scheme fails: "We're blasting off again!" Rouxls Kaard: "GOD... DAMN IT!"
As it turns out. The thrash machine actually did matter
Oh my god I just realized. Rouxls became a pirate, in the chapter based around computers. Pirating software. I feel stupid for not getting that Edit: So apparently a lot of people didn’t get the joke. I think Toby Fox is just too smart for us all
He's been there for a few hours and became a pirate on an acid river I love this character so much
I think this is not the last time we will battle him. I can definitely see Toby making him return in each chapter with a different gimmick.
I love that the Thrash Machine became a returning joke during this fight, the best part of the Thrash Machine appearing here is that there's probably loads of people who have Rouxls riding a giant Duck in this fight Rouxls Kaard finally getting his own battle theme is pretty neat, especially when this song ended up being one of my personal Chapter 2 favorites, the Lancer motif at 0:29 is cute
the way the atmosphere switched from "wholesome ralsei and kris moment" to "fucking pirate rouxls" was amazing
Thank god we got more of this man
I sincerely hope that Toby continues this trend and makes Rouxls a cowboy in future chapters, which means he'll eventually say something along the lines of: "Howdyeth, y'alleth! Art thou ready to wrangleth upe some cattleth?"
Finally! We get a Rouxls Kaard battle! And it's about... real estate... FINALLY! Someone that gets it!
I like how the Thrash Machine doesn’t want to fight you, it knows you made it with some form of emotion, I feel bad for the little dude getting destroyed by Queen in the end but the Thrash Machine will stay Thrashing to the very end
He just woke up and chose to be a pirate. Inspiring.
toby really just said "fuck you" to everybody who pronounced it in other ways and made a song correcting them lmfao