
I bet he got off the game after she dropped that towel 😂😂😂💯💯


Bet bro got off the game right away😂


Who wants to bet this was staged and she wasn’t actually naked under the towel…?


Two sociopaths hangin' together. What else is new.


Most botted comment section ive ever seen




Well that is his love of his life


An oldlie but a good one.😂


We’re did the milk come from


now its davids turn hope he dozent get band or get restraning order


That lucky son of a


Flashbacks 😢


Is that real


I bet bro fuckin tossed that controller😂




Hey, Jesus loves you and is the way the truth and the life and the only way you can receive salvation.  Nothing you do could ever grant you salvation Only Jesus. God bless you💗


Looks like a limp wrist there, David.


And the point is ???


That carpet is going to be a pain in the ass to clean


I would definitely get off the game go straight to her