Largest known Mersenne prime (as of now) is 2^82,589,933 − 1 and was discovered in 2018. There are 51 Mersenne primes known hence 51 perfect numbers known. Loved the video - well explained. Thanks
I used to get upset that 1 is not a normal prime but it makes life a lot more convenient. Unique is the key word. Imagine if 12 = 1 * 2 * 2 *3 but also 12 = 1 *1 * 2 *2 * 3 could go on forever and not be unique anymore. 😅
This seems to be the same as an earlier video on the channel named "Perfect Numbers, Mersenne Primes, Abundant Numbers & Deficient Numbers".
I like the new format, makes it faster to produce more videos right?
Well done!!!
All fundamental level though 🤔