
I'm digging it


Holy fuck that clarinet solo was the gnarliest shit.


The clarinetist has some iron lungs, holy shit


Meshovel is my new favourite band. Really groundbreaking stuff.


When a fucking shovel sounds better than your guitar. >_<


No only a shovel,  A FRETLESS SHOVEL !


Thank you for basically remastering one of Meshuggah's best songs.


sick solo by squidward


holy shit, that vocalist is a beast


2:11 Vsauce plays clarinet for 13 minutes without taking a breath




The heaviest metal is the metal that doesn't take itself too seriously. I fucking love this stuff.


came for the shovel stayed for the squid ward solo.


Mudvayne - Dig on shovel!


The shovel and clarinet solo were absolutely brilliant, but fuck me Leo’s vocals are actually PERFECT here, I never realised his vocals could be so raw and brutal


Came for shovel, stayed for vocals


This was how I was introduced to Meshuggah, now I’m a massive fan.


Damn, frog leap's vocals are insane on this one


note for note clarinet solo was fucking sick.


Happy May-shuggah everyone!