If you want to see something really cool, get on the game Elite Dangerous and fly your ship out to a neutron star…. They’ve done an incredible job bringing one of these monsters to life.
TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy IS GRAVITY. The fourth spatial dimension is consistent with TIME DILATION, TIME, AND the fact that what is E=MC2 is directly derived from what is F=ma, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy IS GRAVITY; AS gravity/acceleration involves what is balanced inertia (and/OR inertial resistance); AS what are OBJECTS may fall at the same rate. GREAT. By Author Frank Martin DiMeglio
Bad error to say neutrons the mass of a mountain are squeezed down to the size of a city. The size of a thimble more like. YouTube has too many commercials to watch anymore.
Planet Xay be real. A failed Neutron star at 43 AUs
Neutron stars insanely crazy! I love Finding out More about them
12:38 scary!
Yeah its the mass of 2 suns in the size of the city. Not a mountain. Maybe just a autotype errorbut still
Fantastic video and even better editing👌with this kind of editing and research your channel is going to flourish, bravo👊
Pulser? What’s a pulser? I know what a pulSAR is, but not a pulser…..
20 min of information repeated over and over again
THE MOST DEADLY AND DANGEROUS OBSERVABLE THING IN THE UNIVERSE Gravitation Neutron stars are city-size stellar objects with a mass about 1.4 times that of the sun and 10 km in diameter. Gravity presses the material in on itself so tightly that protons and electrons combine to make neutrons, yielding the name "neutron star". They are so dense that a sugar cube sized lump of material from a neutron star would have a weight of approximately 1 billion metric tons (equivalent to the weight of Everest mountain). If a sugar cubed sized matter could be scooped out from a neutron star, it would explode immediately due to the lack of gravitaion. Because the only thing which can hold the nuclei of atoms so close together is the gravitaional force of a neutron star. So neutron star matter wouldn't be able survive out of a neutron star. Inside a neutron star, there's a delicate balance between the tremendous gravity of the star, and the degeneracy pressure of the neutrons. The neutron star's density also gives it very high surface gravity, more than 200 billion times that of Earth. Neutron stars have an escape velocity of 150,000 km/s which is half the speed of light. The neutron star's gravity accelerates infalling matter to tremendous speed. The force of the impact would destroy the object's atoms, rendering all the matter identical, to the rest of the neutron star. If an object were to fall from a height of one meter on a neutron star, it would reach the ground at 7.200.000 kilometers per hour. Starquake and Gama Rays Burst The crust is composed of broken-up atoms of iron with a sea of electrons flowing through the gaps between them. This crust is extremely hard and very smooth (with maximum surface irregularities of ~5 mm), due to the extreme gravitational field. About a kilometer below the surface, neutrons and any surviving protons are squeezed together so close that they organize themselves into some really odd structures such as sheets, cylinders and others. This inner crust of neutron star, which was called nuclear pasta because of the resemblance to spaghetti and lasagna, could be 10 billion times stronger than steel and possibly the strongest material in the universe. Due to either its ultra-strong interior magnetic fields or spindown, an unimaginably massive quake occurs by ripping the immensely strong crust only one centimeter in lenght in a tenth of a second. It realeses much more energy in a form of gama rays into the space through that one centimeter crack than the Sun emits in 150,000 years. But the inconceivably powerful gravitaional field of a neutron star reconstructs its surface and covers the crack in a blink of an eye. The largest recorded quake was equivalent to a magnitude 23. Had it occurred within a distance of 10 light years from Earth, the quake could have triggered a mass extinction on Earth. Surface Heat Neutron stars are extremely hot and have surface temperature varying from 10.000.000 to 500.000 C degrees. Anything approaching a neutron star too close immidiately evaporates. Electromagnetic Field Neutron stars are characterized by their extremely powerful magnetic fields. These magnetic fields are from hundred millions to quadrillions (magnetar) of times more powerful than the field surrounding Earth. The magnetic field of a magnetar would be lethal even at a distance of 1000 km. The strong magnetic forces would start to squeeze the electron orbits in all the atoms in your body. The molecules that make up your body are only able to hold together when they are made from normal shaped atoms. So once the atomic orbitals got sufficiently distorted, their chemistry would change dramatically and these molecules would start to fall apart. And your body would be instantly reduced to a dusty, incoherent mess. Electromagnetic radiation Most of the light generated by a neutron star is in the form of gama and X rays due to its extreme surface heat, high electromagnetic field and matter acceretion from a near companion. The strong magnetic fields combined with rapid rotation create an awesome generator that can produce electric potential differences of quadrillions of volts. Such voltages, which are 30 million times greater than those of lightning bolts, create deadly blizzards of high energy particles. These high-energy particles (protons and electrons) produce beams of radiation from radio through gamma-ray energies emanating from the poles of the magnetic field. Like a rotating lighthouse beam, the radiation can be observed as a pulsing source of radiation. The pulsar in the Crab Nebula has been observed to pulse in almost every wavelength—radio, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray. Rotation Neutron stars are the fastest rotating objects in the universe. The fastest-spinning neutron star known, which is 15 kilometres in diameter, is rotating at a rate of 716 times a second or 43,000 revolutions per minute, giving nearly a quarter the speed of light (75.000 km/s) on the surface of equator. Even a neutron star wouldn't be able to hold itself together at such a high speed rotation if it weren't for its tremendous gravitational force.
Great content and good narration.
Layperson's question: Scientists have observed Protons and Electrons combining to form Neutrons?
if a sugar cube sized piece of a neutron star would weigh a billion tons about the same weight as all the humans on earth what if all the humans on earth weighed as much as Oprah Winfrey would it then become a black hole
Great video. I just wish you could control the freakishly amount of ads. Makes it annoying to watch.
Fascinating 🖖
i can stand on a neutron star
A trillion times stronger. Millions of degrees. These are not very precise measurements. It's fascinating yet unconvincing. It's like a grab for grant funding. Think about the LIGO chirp. Wow, or humph? Its fascinating and incredibly boring at the same time.
Stars are gods. Earth is Mankind's spaceship, surfing the Heliopause of the Yellow Dwarf that made us.