
They need to make her clean up the mess she made before she is arrested and taken to jail.


She let the intrusive thoughts take over💀💀💀


She believes in not keeping her feelings bottled up! 🤣


She should be arrested right  there and then. Make sure she pays for all damages created. Outrageous behavior.


I worked as a salesperson for 20 years, and young man  Wal-Mart is not the only store that has really entitled people.


"What do you mean I can't buy booze with my EBT card?!"💀


I've never seen  that  at Walmart. They  should  make  her  pay for  everything  she broke  and  clean  it up.


I was totally expecting him to say, " I was at Walmart stealing stuff." LOL !


When a piece of glass go in her eyes 👀 it's a WRAP 😢


My god, someone call the mental health squad.


Maybe she quit drinking 😂😂😂😂


I hope they charged her every bottle, made her clean it up, and sent her to jail.


She should be jailed enough already


"alcohol abuse" got crying 😭💀


The “Only In Walmart💀💀” Got Me Laughing😂😂😂


This bro is either really unlucky or just looking for shit to stick his nose in
He is in all of these videos😂


She could be the next press Secretary


That’s crazy, the lady is nuts. I hope she gets punished for what she did.


Give the janitor a raise😂
