I agree you on the last fact. Rhythim is everything
Played for a couple of years but stopped 8 years ago as needed money so sold guitars. Just picked it up again and 1 month in I’m already slightly better than I was. Now realising I was only noodling back then and now I dedicate time to a practice routine, learning theory, challenging myself etc. So I agree with all of this 😁
I was mostly a self taught guitarist for three years and got to a point where I could play the basics of Jazz but I couldn’t get any further so I finally got a teacher and in just 3 months I have progressed more than I have in a year
This guy is getting dangerously close to 1 mil. We are actually gonna find out his age.
Your videos are extremely helpful and entertaining. Really happy i came across your channel. You have helped me out a lot! Ty for your time and content! Appreciate you!
I'm a Classical guitar grade 5 holder under Trinity College London so maybe an intermediate guitarist and I really+ Love your videos.....😇🎼❤ 🥳👨🎤🥋✌🏻
Learning soul and reggae songs helped me understand inversions and explore a different style of playing. Not a lot of it is expert level stuff but I only played rock and metal for the longest time and I didn’t realise how much it was limiting my playing. Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding is a good place to start. Let’s Stay Together by Al Green is also a good song to learn because the guitar is always doing some tasteful shit.
Pretty sure practice makes permanent. Only correctly practice makes you better.
I used to think for whatever reason that scales were more important than rhythm. But I was a drummer before I played guitar, so I didn’t need to learn rhythm while also learning the instrument. Then I became a drum teacher and had to teach rhythm
Bro's most wholesome short
i agree with the practice makes perfect and learning music theory but the only way to truly understand the neck of the guitar and the scales is learning music theory even if you don’t know anything about scales and the chords
here's a (opinion) tip I tell myself: "If it sounds good, play it, Any instrument (in my opinion) is a freedom instrument, why? you can play it however you like as long as it sounds good"
❤yo dude I liked your videos cause your funny and direct but you really upped your game with that LES PAUL I love the ebony fretboard the colors are spectacular but you really seem more mature and your approach seems more respectable it's as if you earned it and you did bravo 😂❤
Rhythm is everything
I taught myself both Drums and Guitar
I've heard Brandon say it in many videos, but I've never seen him elaborate. If playing isn't practice, what's the difference? It can't be "you already know it" a boxer knows how to punch but he still has to practice it. Practice often refers doing a skill with intent on getting better; which playing also does. Also a non-debatable tip is: You should learn to play standing. Seats break, ground gets wet, ideal conditions don't exist forever.
I agree with rhythm > scales. No one will care about your improvised solo if it isn't on time with the rest of the band.
Can you make a video about how to achieve the low action without buzzing sound❤
How about some tone tips. How to get nice tones, where to use what pickup and stuff like that. I recently went to another bands rehersal in my local music school and was shocked that the other bands guitarists couldn't get their tones right without the teachers help. Since my bands guitarist always has such a nice tone I took it for granted and didn't realise that needed practise too