Yes,mSakineh, call your lawyer. Karim is only interested in making you miserable. If he cant have you, he will try to take everything from you. What a very sad man
Call lawyer right now, do not wait
Все наиграно !!! Плачет Сакине ,не естественно !!! Настоящий цырк!!!😢😢😢
Better let the attorney know what Karim has done. ASAP
Royas behavior and whining is getting worse. She is getting mean again . As children’s behavior specialist I have watched your channel daily . Especially because of Roya and Rachel’s behavior. Rachel’s tantrums are completely out of control. I am very concerned!!! These children need help. Professional attention right away. Do it now while young don’t wait. I’m not being sarcastic or rude. This is my professional opinion and experience of 30 years teaching children with severe mental issues. As a mother you need to get help for these children as soon as possible. They have endured so much violence even if violence was acting it has definitely effect your children emotionally. This is the danger of child actors.
Yame al abogado no se duerma hsy que luchar no es justo que ese hombre siga abusando de esa pobre mujer.❤😊😢
Sakineh talk to your lawyer he will guide you how to fight Karim in court about the custody of your kids, you have all the right bcos you're the mother and yet they are still young, ask help of Ali he knows how to do,Godbless ❤❤❤
позор значит он при жене мог три бабы завести она развелась с ним ей нельзя что за законы ужас
You can’t tell Roya don’t play with that curtain,, your kid doesn’t have manners, they never behave and lesson to you .. very very bad .. Roya is very bad and selfish kid ………
Those kids won’t last at Karim’s house. Sekinah the grandparents house is almost done. The children can be with Ildah. Then put that house in rental and live with Ali whether under a tree or inside a tent. Cameraman show everything to the judge in court please
You people don't have any imagination there Is no way judge would decide in one day and take Karim's word without evidence and her not being present FAKE FAKE FAKE
Let’s call out Sakineh, Ali, and Karim. We all know this drama is fake, but that doesn’t excuse the constant violence and neglect especially when it comes to the kids. Here’s what’s wrong: Child Safety: There are no proper car seats or seat belts, and kids are even riding in the front, which is dangerous. Roya and Rahil are often left to fend for themselves when out in public. Sakineh takes them shopping and lets them wander off when she isn’t paying attention. We’ve all warned her that if she isn’t careful with Rahil, someone could kidnap her because she goes with anyone who shows interest. Arsam is left tied up all day, and his head is flat because she never picks him up. Why have more kids when she can’t handle the three she already has? Neglect and Care: Sakineh keeps having more kids but forgets to properly care for and educate her older ones. The little ones are being neglected too, and this pattern needs to stop. Accountability: • Karim: He should be gone from the show. We don’t want to see him again. • Ali: If your marriage is real, show some real love hold her hand, kiss her, and show genuine affection, not just send flowers. Stop using fake excuses like needing to buy cement or build a house to avoid sharing responsibilities. Be honest about Sakineh’s pregnancy and tell us the truth about your relationship. Are you married? Cousins? Who is really responsible for the kids? No more lies! Final Call: Sakineh, please stop having more children until you can properly care for the ones you already have. Roya has learning issues because she isn’t getting enough attention, Rahil still needs care as a toddler, and Arsam, Roya, and Rachel are all affected by the ongoing neglect and safety hazards. It’s time to put an end to this dangerous and fake drama. Be honest you’ll get more views and likes that way.
How can he get the children when Karim has remarried twice he thinks that Sakina who is divorced from him has to have his permission to marry again. I don’t know which world Karim is living in that says he has to take the kids so then he will need a new wife to help him look after them. Pure stupidity of Karim 🙏🏼🇬🇧
Дети очень не воспитаные. Ведут себя как дикари( особенно Роя).
Será que a polícia não vê que Karim não presta, batia na sakina grávida nem pensava no bebê, agora então quer as crianças? É louco mesmo.😡
I wonder how the Muslim people feel about none of these characters fasting for Ramadan.
Los niños son de la madre ella los a cuidado y Karim no da nada,Karin debe desaparecer, Karim no quiere a sus hijos solo va a dar lata mal hombre
We are done with the circle of fights same script for years making money out of nothing and stressing viewers with noise daily. Quit these job look for something else to do.