
This is how every X-Men film should start, hands down.


MY GOODNESS THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING. You are a literal legend!!


that was awesome. very well done


Oh wow didn't notice this until now. AWESOME!


My felings high feel si good watch at every x men good short brother


More people need to discover your channel. Its amazing.




The video was good, but I miss some characters of the first X-MEN movies such like Rogue, Iceman and Colossus (and less scenes of Mystique, with all due respect, I can't stand the Jennifer Lawrence version); it was well done but honestly I didn't like it.


this is so freaking awesome :3




this is super


X-Men: The Animated Series (1992-1997), courtesy of Saban Entertainment (later BVS Entertainment)
X-Men Movie Series (2000-2020), courtesy of 20th Century Fox (currently 20th Century Studios)

All credits goes to Marvel Comics and 20th Century Studios (both currently owned by Disney).




X-Men TAS = Marvel Animation
X-Men Movies = 20th Century Fox




If they use this song  in the next xmen team by disney in the teathers I will cry like a baby🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Deadpool: Hey, where am I!?


L A D I E S  A N D  G E N T L E M E N

                I G I V E  Y O U ...

          T H E   U N C A N N Y
                      X - M E N

