
What's your highest rank?


"Too scared to push" so relatable, all I do is just hop in solo showdown and try to survive 💀


"if your first rank 30 was shelly your bad" was a bit personal


Bro literally rosted every brawlstars players.


Rank 31 is actually relatable😂


1:38  Bro the rank 25 is so relatable😂


lol 28 rank part is literally me


bro just roasted the global leaderboard players at the end 💀💀


Rad:makes fun of people with low rank
Also rad:also makes fun of high ranked players


bros relateable af. i love having brawlers 15-20 and im scared to push over rank 25


What your highest rank says about you imo

Rank 1 : you instaled Game 
Rank 2 : you play your FIRST Game 
Rank 3 : you got this on shelly 
Rank 4 : you play like 2 minutes and you are bored 
Rank 5 : same as rank 4
Rank 6 : same as rank 3 
Rank 7 : you are happy beacouse you got this on power 1 
Rank 8 : you are happy beacouse you got your FIRST 💯 thropies
Rank 9 : you don’t no’life at the Game and i respect that 
Rank 10 : you don’t really like Brawl stars 
Rank 11 : you still beating bots
Rank 12 : you have your FIRST Game without bots 
Rank 13 : you now have 5-7 power on shelly 
Rank 14 : you touch grass
Rank 15 : same as rank 11
Rank 16 : you end the playing Game for this day 
Rank 17 : you play with players in  50% and you only wining with bots 
Rank 18 : you can’t get rank 19 if you play frank or hank 💀
Rank 19  : same as rank 18 but you can’t get rank 20 
Rank 20 : IF you play frank or hank you go down with thropies to rank 15 💀
Rank 21 : last rank to play with bots 
Rank 22 : you pushing thropies easily 
Rank 23 : it’s starts geting harder to push
Rank 24 : you can’t get your FIRST rank 25
Rank 25 : you stopped pushing 
Rank 26 : (my highest rank) you are good but not a pro and you almost stopped touching grass 
Rank 27 : you are scared to play and you stopped touching grass 
Rank 28 : you dropped your thropies to rank 25 😭
Rank 29 : you stopped pushing and you telling your frends that you get rank 30 
Rank 30 : you are pro (i’m joking you are teaming or Bush camping) 💀
Rank 31 : you are wintrader 
Rank 32 : go touch grass! 🌳
Rank 33 : you are dropped your thropies to rank 28 (i Think) 📈
Rank 34 : you are not scared to play and you go to rank 35
Rank 35 : Go touch some grass it don’t hurts 😭😭

If somebody counts how many times i Wrote „rank” is 🗿🍷

EDIT : Thanks for 0 likes 😭


Rank 25 is relatable af. Most of the people I play with have low level/tier brawlers since they just reinstalled the game so I ain't gonna play my maxed out rank 26 Angelo with my sister who's just trying to do her quests with her level 3 Bull


//If u got you’re first rank 30 in SpongeBob event, you’re a average player//


"If youre first rank 30 was shelly youre bad" me: noooooo


Fun Fact: Ranks got removed, now its called "Tiers"


Im rank 30 colt

0% luck
0% skill
100% carried by my brother


The rank 29 is real asf😭I was 1 game away from Rico at r30 and got humbled pretty bad


I was 1 game away from my first rank 30 brawler (Piper) in 3v3s with randoms and now I'm back to 900 trophies...


I swear i have never seen anybody with a rank 31-34


i pushed my dynamike and piper to 25 with randoms on knockout 💀💀the "but your scared too scared to play " is so real