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What an awesome guy it is one thing to take care of your kids but to send all your nieces and nephews to private school as well takes a good heart


This Guy is a blessing to his family, and those around him. What an Inspirational man!


You can see that his motivation is his family. How hard that must have been for his mom but she took care of her family and now they are taking care of her.


I knew him from Ransom Everglades in Miami. He would pick up his niece. Great guy, very generous to the school.❤


He took it upon himself to take care of his entire family, even got his nieces and nephews to go to private school. God blesses him many times over for his generosity.❤


The most absolute successful people I personally know came from very poor families.


'I had a lot of examples of successful people'... this is so important.


Their success in school and work are also his. He helped to get them in a better financial state by  his sacrifices & efforts. God bless this man who had so much on his shoulders the whole time. 🙏


Does money fill the void? No. Family, dedication, and love can fill the void. I am 30. My Mother successfully committed suicide for the third time and a few years later my fathers alcoholism undermined the beauty of life. Experience is the currency for humans. That's how they/we relate and grow.


Hero. He stepped up


He seems like a person with more personal worth than financial.


God bless you 🙏 Proud of you for your determination and positive attitude.


❤❤❤❤❤❤ I salute you, real men are a rare thing to come by these days, I hope he will give back by going into schools❤ and giving speeches on what he did, why he did it and where it got him


God bless this man.


Love this inspirational story!


Masters degree will not give you money but hard work will.


Good job dad


I love this man for loving his mom that much..could I get a copy of him?please..help.❤


This is amazing!  Well done.  PURPOSE...