A solid proof how important a good teacher is!
In college, I was amazed how one of the first major theorems you learn is the fundamental theorem of calculus, and how the last one you learn is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
I can't believe how this made hours of my confusion just vanish away in mere minutes. Truly thank you for helping me begin to see the beauty of this concept
Me: It's time to go to bed. YouTube: True but have you seen first "Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra"?
This is the most well made course on the YouTube by a significant margin
I am a spanish teacher. Sometimes I also help students in High school with Math. Thus, I am looking forward to improve my skill in this very important field.
I passed an exam on Modern Algebra thanks to your playlist Abstract Algebra, which helps a lot to imagine these boring theorems and formulas. Thank you and please continue doing so magnificent lectures!
I am here just to express my gratitude as already valuable and well structured comments have been made regarding how you have made easier to understand "Group Definition" for us, who're having difficulties to understand this. Thank you very much and my sincere, well wishes to your channel!
It's amazing how a new perspective can totally change the way you view and deal with a subject. For months I'm trying to make sense of how different groups and their operations really work, and this video has made a huuuge difference. I'm very grateful for your job.
The presenter was so calm and composed. Watching this video felt like meditation to me.
So nice to have something explained so clearly. I once went though a book on Group Theory where it failed to tell you what it was.
God, why isnt this the first course YouTube recommends on group theory, it's leagues clearer than the others. You've earned a sub
This blew my mind! Precise and to the point. Plus also be able to give the general overview! Excellent.
I'm so glad to have found this video. I'm teaching a survey/liberal arts class in mathematics, and students are required to do math history presentations. One student is presenting on Galois but needs help in understand what Group Theory is (at the most basic level). This is a FANTASTIC introduction - short and accessible and accurate. I will be sharing this video with him. Thank you!
This is a scintillating instance of great pedagogy! One just requires pretty basic conceptual background to grasp this video in its entirety. I'll support you... Please keep doing this. I'm grateful YouTube put this in my list.I was missing out on such great content.
Thanks Alot ,its really Helpful 💗💗
Fantastic video. The structure and delivery of the material is great. It's incredible how intuitive this topic can be if it's taught properly.
Her voice is so soothing, but not in a way that puts me to sleep. Its clear and well supported, what a beautiful sound. I'm currently an undergrad studying biology, I've only taken beginner calculus and statistics, but I am considering a minor in mathematics. These videos are definitely a big inspiration, as well as having a great teacher.
Extremely well crafted video; you're a great speaker!