
Besicela imusic iphume and all those other sounds, zyaphazamisa


Kahle kahle manje siphila nge Nkosi Jesu kuphela. 
Thank you bab Xaba once again for opening our eyes.
Unkulunkulu akusibekele


Mr Dlamini. Ngiyacela the music sound ikhalele phansi kancane. Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba. Iphazamisa ekujuleni kwenfunfiso enhle esiyitholayo.


When I was about to give birth I fasted for 1 day... Yes fasted with the baby inside and I prayed that whatever DNA they will steal to use for the kingdom of darkness must diffuse and not do what they intend for it in Jesus name, I covered myself, my womb and my child in Jesus name


What I Love About This Pastor he Didn't Mention Anyone On This Podcst, He just left us guided💯❤️


The baby sound was distractive but the music I prefer as long as we keep it down anginankinga nawo ST


Love you Mr St may God keep on bless you and your ministry


We wanna hear bab' Xaba clearly the background music is really distracting.


Akukho okufihliwe okungayi kuvela, siyabonga babXaba uwavulile amehlo ethu, umusa ka Nkulunkulu mawube nathi sonke


Kudwa moya oyincwele Kanti la emhlabeni besokwenzani😢


Rest assured devil is a liar angeke abenze niks abantwana baka Nkulunkulu , he's time is over, they are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ and well protected.God is sending his people to testify against the evil spirits so as to open our eyes and repent.thank you ST for having Babu Xaba🙏🙏


This world is wicked, fallen, cursed.... God of heaven save us


Heavenly Father save us Lord this world is dark


I feel pain uma ukhuluma ngamawele ngamithisa intombi yakhulelwa amawele abafana ababili wateta wangishuthela izithombe few minutes kwathiwa bashonile because umawabo kade ane high blood okubuhlungu they buried my kids without me or any of my family kwaphela kanjalo ke ngengani zami kuze kube yinamhlanje angazi nalapho zafihlwa khona , NKULUNKULU NGISIZE NGIKWAZI UKUXOLA


Heavenly father please protect In this world of darkness 😢


This background music is a posture of prayer and interceding...there is no disturbance at all. Amen🙇🏽‍♀️


I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savour


Hayi Thabani yini leyo ikhalayo manje yhooʻ


Good morning oo baba jooooh God save us All Amen


Bazalwane ndicela sithandaze ngobaba Xaba usathane akajabule ngalezidark secrets azidalulayo uzawzama ukugadla but the devil  is a lier sizawhlala emkhulekweni ngawe nceku. Dlamini siyacela bhuti abuye at least once a week ubaba Xaba kuningi akuphetheyo liphelile ixesha siyayidinga this information, Jesus is coming soon.