
another window opened! Thank you, you are a great human being  <3


Thank you , for this incredible slice of knowledge ✍️


Sobeutyfull your voices & hope  ❤


love you,thank you


oh wait.........
   oh snap........
 give this gal a clap 👏 

Still wait.....
      there's more......

Take the first letter last
And the last letter first,
Create a rhyme;
Create a verse.

The words dont even have to match,
Or fit to bend, what shall you mend?
   The rhyming scheme without an end.. 
      And change the *Time
      And Tempo too,
      Just off the top
      A hook or
      Simple fix,

Bend the prose,
Ink the pad,
Stain the pen
And be not sad.

bless you ❤


Good stuff


Could you also do it the other way and go long to short?


You are too cute !