As a 31 year veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force I’ve had the privilege of working with many different nations air forces, and I’ve had a great deal of respect for the Air Force of the United States of America. The unfortunate fall out of the threat of tariffs against Canada is a fundamental loss of trust in our relationship with the United States of America. I feel that it will be a long time before that trust can be reestablished. My hope for CANADA going forward is that we will develop systems and policies to insulate ourselves from such an unwarranted attack in the future.
Never have Canadians felt as abused, insulted, humiliated, threatened as in the last few months. The kind of behaviour exhibited by Trump and more troubling by his voters and followers is reserved for enemies not friends. And America has declared its position as such.
The friendship has gone! The threats have destroyed the US-Canadian relationship, at a visceral and individual level.
This Canadian had already QUIT Supporting America long ago. Until Trump is gone I plead with my Canadians not to buy or support America and support Canada once and for ALL
Québécois here pissed at the US and staying far away from any products made in the US and will not travel there until the Tariff Man leaves the White House.
We aren’t the 51st anything. The rage is palpable here. United across our differences to stop American agression. French, English, conservative, leftist. We will fight with our dollars.
The Ambassador mentions Canada's lack of attention to border issue. I would like to ask him what exactly has US done to stymie the flow of guns into our country? We have legal gun ownership here yet vast majority of the firearm crimes are committed using guns purchased and illegally smuggled in from the US. We saw no major pronouncement on this issue from the US side and more importantly no real world impact on the cessation of flow. Have you tightened your insane ease of access to weaponry? Have you taken steps to identify and prosecute straw purchasers to a point of deterrence?. It is easy to point fingers and accuse but harder to come up with tangible solutions. Our border is long and undefended and I want it that way. If there are illegal migration or flow of illegal goods, then it reveals underlying issues that needs tackling. The current opioid crisis has significant root cause in how Oxycontin was marketed by Purdue. I should know cause their pharm rep attempted to peddle the notion that pain was a fifth vital sign and Oxycotin had no addictive potential when I was in med school. Has the Sackler's taken tangible accountability apart from paying pittance on what they profited? Has FDA or Congress tightened on how medication can be marketed and distributed? Canadians ought to be pretty outrage by how a US pharma company introduced so much misinformation into our medical education and directly contributing to the wider opioid issue. Fentanyl is also a significant issue for us Canadians and fentanyl is coming into our border from the US as well. The border is a two sided issue, the problems your country experiences is no more important than the ones affecting ours.
Thank you Mr. Ambassador Thank you for mentioning the hospitality of the Canadian people and especially the People of Gander Newfoundland. I saw the play Come From aWay in New York/ As a Newfoundlander it was incredible to see the emotions of the audience after the play. I just replayed that site as you talked . It is emotional for me as well. Because I know my people. The stab in the back to listen to the words of Donald Trump are deep and wounding. It is a loss of good faith that will take many years to heal. Not with Americans but with those that don't understand the damage done. I don't expect an apology from People like Donald Trump and even if he were to apologize I would simply turn my back. But to the people of America whether you support him or not I hope one day we can feel the same again about our American cousins.
David, while Canada could and should do a better job of border security (many of us have been crying out for this for years), the same can be true in the opposite direction. Every year many Canadians are murdered with illegal handguns smuggled in from the United States. Maybe the US should send troops to the border to deal with that. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
This fails to explain how angry a great many Canadians are at the US right now.
Thank you David Cohen for your words. However, I am researching Canadian substitutes for anything and everything American now. I spent yesterday cancelling subscriptions. I am changing all personal PC's to Linux and will be looking for a different phone. I am researching with resolve to change my purchasing habits on a permanent basis, since we Canadians an no longer trust America. (This is the 2nd time.) In particular, I will avoid Amazon. I think that Doug Ford should continue with cutting Starlink. We should have nothing to do with Elon Musk. I will NEVER consent to become a state of the US. What a disgraceful mess your president and his billionaire sidekick have created.
I am Canadian from the province of Ontario. Trump came up behind us and clobbered us in the head and said you better be nice to me! No one should have been surprised about what Trump wanted from the world. It hurts and makes us very angry. We are angry at the U.S. people who voted T in but so worried for those who didn't and will suffer immensely if he succeeds in his devious plots to rule with an iron fist. Canada is like David v Goliath the US. And who won? David did with a stone and slingshot. Keep hope everyone and fight like hell.
Hopefully we Canadians have learned from relations with a similar bully back in 1939 that appeasement does not work. We need Togo toe to toe.
Damn the States for their disrespect.
I'm from Toronto, Canada. I went grocery shopping today. Every item and produce has now been labeled with the country of origin. Very few items on the shelves are from the US. People are checking carefully and buying non-US products and produce. The hurt of Canadians is running deep. The talk is that this is permanent. We are not going back. Permanent damage has been done with the insane Tariff war that was imposed by the US on Canada. Trust has been broken, and it will take a lot for the US to regain that trust.
This has just begun. You are not a reliable partner. We will not forgive will not forget. You lose.
I am Brazilian, and feel that Canadians are realizing now what we have already known for a long time. Imperialists have no friends. We, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, however, are great American nations, we are not imperialists, and we can be real friends.
It is difficult to be a friend when simmering with anger. I fear Trump broke something permanently
Canadians are very nice people. They say sorry a whole lot. If you bump into a Canadian, he/she will say sorry even if it is not their fault. That is why the government passed a law some time ago, called the "Sorry Act" to protect Canadians from litigious entities who want to take advantage of Canadians by claiming that saying sorry is admitting guilt. What I came across on social media in the aftermath of this backstabbing by the US, is something I will never forget: "Canada has TWO settings: 1. Sorry 2. You'll be Sorry."