
The way he got it out is pants💀


Very easy to make. Ill go grab a smoke pellet from my desk as usual…


I had to watch it two times to fully understand it


imagine giving this to a artist as a gift 💀💀💀


Tutorial for the pellet pls❤


I shall use it in class >:)


Bro why did he pull it from his pants that way💀


Ahh yes the «back to school special»
we making it to guantanamo bay with this one!🗣️


Way better than last time


“Bro pass me a Marker”




Bro is learning us how to make DIY chem weapons for s h o o l


Nice pocket🙃


Stick some black powder inside there and some crackling stars 😭


Where can i buy those pellets?


you can do this prank at school 🤯


I need to try this at school


The end😂*nuclear siren Nuclear bomb has been droped by spain*


The average marker i get at school☠️


That’s pretty neat-o beans