
I thought these multiple choice questions were pretty hard, potentially harder than the real papers. Hope the very last one makes sense! Thank YOU for using my channel!!


What a legend. Good luck to everyone on their physics exams.


Zphysics, however I feel coming out of the exam tomorrow. Just know that it would he alot worse if I  had not found your channel. Thank you for everything thus far


good luck to us all tomorrow, hopefully the exam boards are kind


you’re a god sent! the last question was driving me insane yesterday cuz i just kept getting 6.0 x 10^9 and i couldn’t find anyone solving it


thank god these are specimen questions they require so much working especially the last question


thank you so much, been watching since the start of a levels you're an absolute legend mate


Guys there is an easy tip if you struggle an 1 mark Q

Skip it (and maybe come back)


Im cooked for tomorrow. Regardless thanks zphysics you are the goat


thank you very much and goodluck to all of us .


For Q7 you can go straight to using the v^2 equation but just put s = 1.3m in to find the vertical velocity component upon hitting the ground, no need for 2 suvats.


Wow i was actually doing this paper printed right in front of me and then i get this video recommended. Excellent.


good luck everyone. I'm cooked  💀


Thank you!


thanks so much, truly.


Quick Question about 6. 
Would the driving force be 4000 X 7 or 4000 X 6 ?
Because in the question they specify a clear difference between the trucks and the locomotive. And the 4000N resisting force is for each truck


We're cooked but at least we're cooked together. Gl boys


For question 3 you could probably figure out that its C much quicker by thinking that watts is joules per second and if its dissipating 6 joules in one second then its dissipating 12 joules in 2 seconds. Might be helpful if ur under time pressure.


last question is crazy


7:30 i dint get why you have to use area= 2PiRt if its hollow but if it is not hollow area=PiR^2t