heart warming movie. Ari Meyers nailed it. Five thumbs up.
Morning Glory. Deborah Raffin. 40 Carats. ❤
Wonderful movie. I forgot how talented Ari Meyers was, and have been a Deborah Raffin fan forever.
Good movie, shows how closer means everything Thank you for the show.
I have been looking for this for many years. I saw it when it 1st came out and I am a deborah raffin fan. Thank you for finding it and uploading it.
Love Deborah Raffin since Once is not Enough! Rip❤
Great movie.
the clothes kids wore back then looked like kids clothes, I miss those days, I was born in 1970, life was more fresh, simpler, more brutal but more about humans now people have so much stuff and interact with other people through machines. Everyone has to hsve the latest gadgets, I watch modern day van lifers, back then we camped out of our old car in an old nylon pup tent that was missing the strings so my dad tied it to the trees with yarn, we had it for many years and never even thought about getting anotherone. My dad lined it with blankets and quilts on the bottom to sleep on and we cooked with the same pots and pans we used at home over a wood fire or a big boxy green coleman stove and one of those lanterns with a fragile mantel that was a pain to light. Besides the tent, stove and lantern we didnt have any other camping equiptment, we used the same stuff for years. I sure miss those days of less stuff and more people
Why can't we have such wonderful movies today! No woke, no pc, no patronising garbage. Warm, realistic, heartfelt. Today's movies truly stink compared. Cookie cutter bland crud. This is glorious movie making. Let's go back.
Ari Meyers was such a cute kid. Can't help but feel that Anthony Michael Hall was auditioning for 'Sixteen Candles' with that whole car scene; hilarious!
era una gran actriz hermosa e inteligente.
I saw Sparkling Cyanide just yesterday (June 5th, 2017) and loved Deborah Raffin. She reminded me of Gwyneth Paltrow so much I thought she might be Gwyneth's mother, but I googled the film and turns out its Deborah!
Wow the dad in this is a real piece of work. He knocked up a sixteen year old and cheated on her, and kicked the woman that loved him to the curb, who was 24 and he's at least 38.
a better ending would have been if: Jenny had raced to the airport (with her violin) and got her mom's attention by playing a song... It is stupid that her mom never got to hear her play.. The script writers really ignored an important and emotional piece of the puzzle..
"why didn't you talk to me?" Maybe it was because you slapped her in the face? I mean seriously I wouldn't want to talk to him after that either.
Nice movie. Except, at the risk of sounding picky, you'd think her French would sound a little better after living there for 12 years...