“Oh my totem pop didn’t… work at all, ok…” 😂😂😂 49:42
Loving all the new uploads! Thanks man, idk what it is about your videos, but you and your crew are so fun to watch after a long days work. Keep it up! You guys rock!
I kind of wish that the hunters POV was posted on another channel or something, their reactions to stuff would be hilarious!
Does anyone else find it weird that he spent the whole video trying to get revenge for his dirt friends, yet one of his abilities was literally eating dirt? Isn't that basically cannibalism? Was he the monster this whole time? Yes.
The lively dirt was such an adorable little man. I loved the flower on his head and how he was shaped like a piece of toast. 🤣
First the rock, now the dirt, im excited to see whats next! Whenever i wake up to a ryguyrocky vid it’s instantly a good day
one of these days, you're going to get an upgrade that hides your nameplate when you're in the form of a normal block, and its going to be the greatest thing ever. Because your name showing up kinda gives everything away
It's always a good day when ryguy posts! Hopefully we see some farm videos again!
After all these years, we have them all Survive as tree, Survive as rock, Survive as dirt.
I don't know if anyone has said this before, but you can actually get nametags from fishing. It saves you from having to find it in more difficult ways, so I hope this helps!
Useful fact for the future: is you Bonemeal a 2x2 of Spruce Saplings an area of Podzol will spawn around the bottom of the tree. Hope this helped!
Love you videos bro they super funny😂😂
this is a content farm AND IM HERE FOR IT
9:02 I mean, you can dupe it with crafting (if Java edition is possible)
RYGUY I HAVE JUST A FEW IDEAS AND TRICKS FOR YOUR VIDEOS try hiding in your destroyed bases after the hunters attack also when you loot bastions grab the gold carrots because they are the best food for saturation in the game and there’s tons in bastions also if you need podzol you can grow 4 spruce saplings and it spawns podzol and what if instead of doing a montage or a cut you have the hunters explain how they are going to take you down and their progress and reactions to their base being blown to bits also proximity chat mod so you can over hear the hunters and the hunters actually have to stick together another thing if you get another ability like devastating blow use something hard to break like obsidian I came up with these ideas and wanted to share them with you and others
You can use diamonds and one netherack to duplacate the smithing templates
I like how u aren’t role playing too much, but are role playing jsut enough for it to be interesting
Here’s the tale of a cannibal dirt block who is angered by some villagers hunting its prey
In case you ever decide to be a mouse for 100 days, I have an ability suggestion. One of your abilities could be a “Swiss ~Cheese~ Army Knife” that is an Omni Tool u locked with like 9 milk buckets, 3 Enchanted good swords, and 30 flint or something. Just a suggestion though, I’m not demanding it