It seems like whenever prices go up on anything due to some crisis they never go back down once the crisis is over. 🤷♂️ The companies just keep a larger profit.
Only prices coming down are US stocks
Prices never had to be this high in the first place!!! We’re be taken advantage of in a huge way.
Lies, lies, and more lies from this propaganda station..
Well, that was another load of BS.
My biggest concern is how I will survive all these financial and political crises, especially given the power struggle in the US. The government has really made things more difficult for its citizens, and we cannot sit idly by and suffer all the consequences of poor governance.
Price of everything is going up except stock market.
Saying it's so doesn't make it so.
We Americans are not fooled... Liar....😂😂😂
Simply not true. Most food up, insurance of any type up, and medical up, taxes up, tuition up, all services up
Says billionaire CEO who hasn’t had to buy his own groceries on a budget in decades.
Egg prices have not fallen at all. Grocery prices haven’t fallen a cent. Everything is more expensive. Stop lying to the people
Democrats Republicans do you really believe this bs? Wat a f joke 😭
As long as these tariff wars go on don’t expect prices to go down. Tariffs equal more taxes and somebody has to eat it. As usual, it gets passed down to the consumer.
I shop at Kroger and my eggs are not coming down. My other prices are not coming down either. I only know what I see. Don't believe anyone else.
I hope we all know that it doesn't matter who is in the 'top job' because this is a systemic problem -- greed. We have allowed many of our economic sectors, to take advantage of the American people. It's disgusting and frightening for the future of our country. My husband and I will be retiring in the next two years in another country. We are absolutely worried that SSI will no longer be funded. we'll have to rely on his pension, a 403 (b) and a very prolific lnvestment account with Julie Parisio Roy Services my FA. Our national debt is bloating and expanding every month. Our government needs to get spending under control and cut the federal budget.
Hey Maria, Trump never "had the opportunity to redo this deal" with Canada. He reneged on the deal he made with Canada, which was supposedly "the best ever" according to Trump at the time.
Prices will be higher again soon…..
Treat your friends to the north better; you get 60% of your cheap oil from them. And 95% of your potash; know as ‘pink gold’ as it is the main ingredient in fertilizer.