
I was not able to save money until I was 47 years old.  So when I turned 63, I was debt free and had almost one million in retirement savings.  That's not a huge portfolio, yet it shows that you can start later in life.


Saving for retirement has become increasingly difficult due to low-paying jobs, rising inflation, and high rents, making it harder for workers to build a financial cushion. Even middle-class individuals are struggling to afford homes, leaving them without a secure place to retire.


How do people go so far in life without saving for their own retirement? There are a lot of people who have children and homes and other expenses and they have fully funded 401K's and another cohort who have almost zero saved for retirement. How is anyone going to live off of $200K when they hit retirement age?
Are fancy cars and clothes and instagrammable vacations THAT important?


Fine show! Thanks!!


Enjoy the two of you together and your discussions.


Could you please start your conversations with what "Larry and Lisa" make.  Sounds wonderful to save $31,000. a year.  I don't make that much a year!!!  I want to listen to your advice but like most advisors you are always talking to the top percent of the country.


Good episode


I don't have anywhere near a million. Raised 2 kids solo on a very meager amount of money...didn't get a "good" paying job (I italicized because current wages make my good pay seem laughable) until i was nearly 50yo. It was a pensioned job and I was ecstatic! Within weeks after my hire the pension was no longer and I new nothing about 401k. Luckily unlike many I contributed and have done so consistently until I retired last year. I definitely could have done better but Ill take what i have as it's definitely better than nothing and I will not go back to work! Im mentally/physically done and happily am still able to save most months even though i do still have a small mortgage.


I have a question/suggestion......Whyt doesn't your pod cast get listed from most recent first and subsequent airings listed in decending sequence order? Like it does on my phone (IHeartRadio) ????? I don't drive as much anymore and the audio is much better through my home computer........but it's a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS searching for the different episodes.....


Is the GPO change actually fair to employees who have government pensions, but whos employers DID withold social security all these decades?  Arent these people who didnt pay in to the social security system your talking about?

The Government Pension Offset (GPO) adjusts Social Security spousal or widow(er) benefits for people who receive “non-covered pensions.” A non-covered pension is a pension paid by an employer that does not withhold Social Security taxes from your salary, typically, state and local governments or non-U.S. employers.


Where’s Clark?


#BonusTip — If you decide to quit your job, Don't say, "I'm quitting." Tell them, "I'm retiring." Some employers do have retirement benefits, etc. that don't get talked about. You want to take advantage of these. I worked at a firm that had no pension; it had a 401k. Some workers thought quitting was the same as retiring... you just use your 401k. NOT TRUE! Retirees got five weeks paid vacation, some free life insurance, etc. It pays to "retire!"


Thank you for being so helpful.


I appreciate the financial segments but it was a clumsy explanation of the tax fairness act.


Great show 😊


Please do a show with Wes and ask him to give examples of singles and couples that are earning the median income. Very different story for these folks


Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed the show.


I started a retirement account, Roth IRA 4 years ago at 51. I have doubled my investments by actively managing it. I expect to continue investing forever, at least until I get too old.
Question: when will it become unimportant to an account to put in the $7500 each year?


did wes just make a WWF millionare dollar man reference??


what's funny is that all these advisors assume the same thing and they give example like "well, if you make $120L a yea you can can x and you'll have Y". I am so sick and tired of their assumptions. Most people  make  $50k and woke up at 40 without saving much money. And some have no match from their employer. So please excuse  me Wes I don't buy you BS. 🤮