That skin is nothing compered to the "Alpha test Banner"(to get this you had to play fortnite beta in 2011-2014)
Agreed! Got my golden peely
are we just gonna ignore the axehammer bruh
Max Alpha Test Banner creepin in the void:
Bro had to get on the trend
Bros on the trends now
U made me 200 lvl u the Goat
Setup tour?
More people have it Fully golden than just his head being gold, I have Gold peely but only his head is gold
Not to mention the level you actually made it to
Blue team leader is one of my rarest. However, i own a lot of rare cosmetics as i started in ch1 s1
You need to favorite him
Idk about this one time for it, rouge agent walk in💀 Oh yeah wingman to💀 Summit striker😂 Laguna😠Oh my battle pass ones? Max ragnarok Max dire Max iceking Max vendetta Am i og enough based if just some my rare skins?
Rogue agent with pony up
My rarest is stealth reflex so neither of those got anything on me
I Have golden peely too😅
I have rose team leader (2342 days old)
What about fully gold lara croft