The cobblewalks. The peace and quiet. Love this place.
Taking a walk through the lively nightlife of Stockholm is just fantastic.
Dang this looks absolutely amazing, no thugs walking the streets, no boom music blasting, no fights in the streets. Looks like a peaceful place to have a quiet evening on the town. This is what I’m talking about.
Looks much better, then similar crowd in manchester
Changed a lot since I was there in 1990
Fy fan vad jag är glad att jag lämnade detta "rövhål" efter 33 år. Har blivit som mellanöstern och värre lär det bli...
It looks like Scandinavian cinema. Everything is gray and black.
Would love to be there.Beautiful country
God kväll alla vackra söta underbara kvinnor i Sverige ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jūsų merginos gana aukštos ir jų kojitės yra ilgos ir šiek tiek kreivos į vidų ;)!
The city looks very nice and clean, I think I would like to visit this city and meet its people.
It has been a very long time that I haven't been to Sweden. Some nice ladies indeed
In all of my travels, these women are the most feminine and beautiful ❤
Vert der fork!? Bork bork bork ❤ -Swedish Chef
Why are they all look like supermodels.i have never seen a group of people so beautiful in one video.
I'm impressed with the general health of the people. I've seen no one who looks overweight; nevermind obese. They all look healthy and slim. The population density versus U.K. cities seems very low.
Поражает любовь шведок к миниюбкам, это же холодно в такое время года
Pedazo de tienda de Zara al lado de la discoteca. ¡Chicas veniros a la Costa del Sol , hay mucha más marcha nocturna que en Estocolmo !. 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪
En Stockolmo hace la presencia de los mexicanos, para ponerle alegría, música y diversión a la vida nocturna. El ambiente de los suecos es muy relajado, habiendo damas muy guapas... saludos desde la Ciudad de Mexico