Seeing kevin conroy at the end of these videos is always such a delight. Rip Batman
I would love a comic accurate Scarecrow as the main villian in a live action film.
The dark knight Nolan’s trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies in general despite its flaws.
Despite loving this film I found it a little contrived how all Joker's plans work out perfectly until the end.
The big problem with casting Liam Neeson as Ra's is that he's pretty good as a pick for Henry Ducard, but then the writing for the twist falls apart because he's a terrible choice for Ra's. Like this whole messy casting for the plot twist could have been avoided if instead of being Ra's it's revealed he was either working for or loyal to Ra's and betrayed Bruce that way. This is an example of careless writing brought upon by merely seeing these characters and the roles they play as tools instead of anything worth actually caring about creatively. Their own script matters more than the source material to many filmmakers, and it's a balancing act these films fail often despite being good movies overall still.
I need to apologize to you Vee. I claim to be a fan but its so much ish that i missed cause i didnt have on my notifications to your channel. 12+ hours later and im still finding new videos. 😂
Fun fact: Henri Ducard was created in the comics by Sam Hamm, co-writer of Batman (1989)
In regards to setting up Batman’s successor, I’ve said for years they should have given Barbara Gordon cameos in the first two and given ‘John Blake’s’ role in Rises to her
To be fair on foreshadowing Robin, Harvey Dent did say “He’s (Batman) looking for someone to take up the mantle… he doesn’t wanna do this forever, how could he?”, and Bruce’s reaction was definitely in agreeable. So there is some precedence to Batman taking up a successor
Vee, I know I brought this up many times before, and I’m sure you’re sick of hearing it by now, but with your knowledge and love of all things DC I am dying to hear your take on the short lived, but in my opinion, very funny and awesome DC live action comedy show, powerless.
Please do another Gotham video again. On Scarecrow and also Mad Hatter.
the fact that cillian murphy returned in everymovie even the one animated one and the game is crazy
Please check kiteman and batman cape crusader. Both series are interesting as babydoll is back
Should we expect a video on Caped Crusader soon?
Victor zaz as a mad man that kills for the mob can work mob bosses gathering every week to settle him with bodies that he can take his time with until they need someone bigger taken care of
Nolan said it in an interview about his Joker. He said "He was an absolute." Meaning, no back story. No development. He is just there. I feel he did the same for Crane. Crane's story does not add to the trilogy so there was no need to tell it.
Please do a video on Batman cape crusader
Imagine if James Gunn cast Joesph Gordan Levitt as Batman in the DCU.
Hi your my fav YouTuber😊