
nothing better than sheila with the damage of a kraber 🗿


“Perfectly balanced as all things should be.”


There’s gotta be a April fools mode where the values of all guns are switched at random each game


Bolt action just casually chilling on the side: "Ah yes, I serve zero purpose now"


My level 10 enemys for some reason


Brings back memories of the full auto sentinel glitch seasons ago


I can’t describe how satisfying this was


"1st let's give it a big mag"
Me: oh so like 40 rounds?
Skeptation: hold my beer


Hackers entering my lobby when I'm trying to grind rank be like, "Oh a perfect test subject" 💀


Seems balanced tbh


full auto sentinel(rampage fire rate) remind me of the sentinel glitch where you can full  auto it by keep holding reload button while shoot


Seems good enough to add to the game


finally. full auto bolt-action


Finally a gun worth picking up


Main characters gun in movies be like


Sheila been real quiet since this dropped


watching that makes me happy


Meet the Sniper


its like asmr if asmr wasn't weak and quiet but just pure unadulterated satisfaction


Imagine hearing that in Worlds Edge