But you can't count that bonus space as square footage. That pool is gorgeous though 😍 The  owners did Josh and Heather dirty, though.


Can’t wait for new season


Realtors sometimes will not tell you about earthquakes mud slides fires


What happened to there show on TV.


I could give you advice but i charge for services 😂


Ummm California burnt up with the heat and forest fires, dunno if this house actually exists anymore. Earthquakes anyone?? It’s not too glamorous to live there anymore. NGL, Virginia looks better


What’s the problem? The sellers obviously don’t want to sell the house….so why are you still trying to show the house? Move on.


Heather & Tracy are phenomenal queens sans worn out, boring old male ego. ❤


Flagg is so f-n ANNOYING. I love the others.  But, Heather is freakishly thin. Tracy even lost weight. They still look good though.


Whos the guy who is always with his grandma


Josh only cares about the money.


PPL don't like JOSH in our Opinion he is😞 always getting over on PPL buying and it seems like he should be Investigated by taking Money from PPL Buying which in my opinion is so  Unfair and taking their Money 🤑 they just dont like Him it just seems so illegal to do this on TV to these ppl buting from him to take more of their Monies....they Like Flagg and the Brothers but Not Josh A at ALL...