
I was not there. But I tear up at every video I watch because at the single thought of lives being transformed. At the single thought of God showing up in such a miraculous way, I am in so much awe. Thank you Jesus for ALWAYS showing up. This is Powerful.


Let us NEVER forget!! 😭😭😭


Man I can’t wait for the whole conference to be up so we can watch it


Praise God for giving me the push to be in that room!! Look at what the Lord has done!!


I just keep getting goosebumps 😭 wish I was there!


When you’ve been in the presence of God such as this your life will NEVER EVER EVER be the same.


Life forever changed!!! So thankful for how the Lord moved at this conference!!


Beautiful! God is absolutely amazing! ❀


It was such an amazing experience! Thank you Jackie and Megan! Thank you God!!!!




Such perfect timing❀️


Literally have chills!


Powerful πŸŽ‰


I pray the full conference will be released 😒


I was not there ….. please come to Texas ! Please πŸ™πŸΎ


We need to see more of this type of content on YouTube that displays unity, love and care for one another, rather than content that's leading to divisiveness by tearing one another down just to get more "LIKES". Some are so concerned about the algorithm, they will create content just for shock value.  All for  monetary gain. Constantly calling people out for what is assumed to be sin,  is not lifting God up. It's only lifting your pride. For we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This video is the type of content that will lead to a REVIVAL!!! We need to stop lowering God's standard. It's time to change the NARRATIVE!!!


One of the best conferences I been too. If anyone has the last message from Dr. Eric mason I need that part !!


Will the whole conference be posted to YouTube?