The people in saudi arabia placed under house arrest were members of the royal familly who were used to more than that. It was for political issues they had.
For anyone wondering, the "Russian Flag" on the criminal's clothing is actually the Czech Tricolour Flag, an alternate flag for the Czech Republic.
In Saudi Arabia, it is only for Royal Families. You do NOT want to get arrested in Saudi Arabia. The punishments are harsh, like having your pinky or hand cut off for stealing, or being whipped for causing grevious injury
"We're placing you under house arrest!" Saudi Arabians: "Please DO"
A nudge watch would be a GOD SEND for peoppe with ADHD ngl
The criminal's dance 😂😂😂😂
That "sheesh you sound like my ex-wife 🤣🤣🤣" was what killed me, bro.
Absolutely never heard of a "nudge watch" and I've been in and out of the legal system in Britain since I was 12.
In Russia we also have ankle bracelets and people under house arrest can use phones, computers and even PlayStation, just with no internet connection. Never heard about surveillance cameras at home but it might be true because house arrest is a very rare form of punishment here
When the house arrest in Saudi Arabia is better than prison in Norway…
As a Geopolitics nerd, the Nazi Czech protectorade flag(without any coat of arms) being used as a Russian flag just, KILLED ME
For anyone wondering, It’s true once the richest men in the Middle East “he is a member in the royal Saudi family” was home arrested but in the most expansive hotel in Riyadh the ritz Carlton hotel the hotel stopped working for 2 or 3 years
Apparently the Russians live in the protectorate of bohemia and moravia/Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (Czechia during German rule)
That’s not the Russian flag💀
No phone or internet seems kinda messed up. What are u gonna do if you can’t contact a friend or watch anything while stuck inside for months
That luxury hotel one was for important people that were placed under house arrest like politics etc
"Youre under house arrest" "Less gooo"
omg tysm for returning into regular videos and not animated! Edit: tysm for so many likes!
Getting stuck in a hotel room with all that fancy stuff sounds like a nightmare.