
Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Eleanor!  I like the approach taken by these researchers.


Thank you for your analysis.  This a great channel.  Have you heard about the recent study by Kobe University into the anti-senescence function of Vitamin B2?  I don't believe there are any human or rat/mice studies yet.


You are doing great job!! thank you very much...i have a request!! Can you please share the upcoming list of conferences (best to your eyes) related to aging/regenerative medicine..Thank you


Thanks for your work. 🙏


i'm happy that I found your channel


Your presentation method is awesome, what computer program are you using to record these? how are you using a whiteboard and changing the zoom while real time editing? I am very intrigued by this, any links to the software or tutorials would be great!


Exciting stuff! Also, Merry Christmas!


Thank you for this video. I learned something new, and that's pretty cool.


Can I ask what the app is that is used to draw the diagrams? It looks like it might be useful for note taking.


Merry Christmas Sheekey...


Merry Christmas and happy videos.


Merry Christmas! Thank you for this informative video. Interesting.


Nice sharing, great work


Thanks for your work


Merry Krismas!


is it really significant to compare with other senolytics? don’t they measure just GPNMB activity? if they so what about comparing with lifespan effect?


Wow interesting and merry Christmas.  We sure don’t want senescent cells


Next step probably is to test on long lived/wild mice.  Senescent cells might be useful for something else.


Hey sheekey.... This paper is not available at scihub ..... could you please mail this paper ???