Swedish Gripen is designed for arctic conditions, integrated with NATO/US systems, and can be built in Canada. It's not stealth, but it is cheaper and Sweden will share their technology with us, unlike our neighbours to the south. More importantly, it can NOT be electronically locked-out at the whim of a MAGA dicktator. Gripens are a better choice for the RCAF.
Cancel the order, please. We don't need a plane that costs that much and that the USA can shut down.
Don’t buy the F35 rather go with Swedish Saab!
Canada should not spend one red cent in the U.S.A. go with Sweden
We (Canada) were extorted into buying F35s by the US because they required interoperability with our airforce and that of the US. Well, now that the US is an adversary, it is a huge security risk for us to have F35s. We cannot risk acquiring aircraft that are essentially controlled by the US military. We need aircraft more relevant to us.
Why was Canada even remotely considering buying that overpriced POS from us?
Cancel the Damn contract !!!! Buy from friendly Sweden !!!!
Bravo 👏 Go Canada 🇨🇦 😊
Canada should drop the F35 and instead by the Saab Gripen.
Russia? Canada considers purchasing from Russia? That was most moronic statement I have heard today.
Never purchase critical equipment from a potential aggressor.
Go with the Gripen
Canada should build their own aircrafts.
Please, PM Carney - Cancel the F35 deal. trump backs out of contracts all the time...give him some of the same. The Gripen is designed for arctic use, and is better suited to what Canada needs.
no money to the USA.
Russia and Israel ? Are you drunk ?
Dump the F-35! The Canadian aluminum in it will cross our border at least twice, so it will probably double the cost. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, India Today. Can you still get flying carpets from India? If not, buy the Swedish jets!
This not just Tariffs but Trump's support of Russia!
I’ve read that Canada, Portugal and Switzerland are reconsidering buying weapons from the US. And Turkey is now buying from the UK.