I definitely remember how it felt when I bought the trailer home I lived in with my son, then my son and second husband, and then with them plus my infant daughter, for a total of over 3.5 years, and set it up with the help of my boyfriend/fiance, and finally, FINALLY, at the age of 32, had a safe home; one where I could relax without someone just walking into my room, or even shouting from the next room over, and wrecking my day, week, or month, because they saw something, heard something, thought of something. I ultimately couldn’t afford it, moved the whole fam back in with my mother for six months, sold it, and the section 8 rental we’ve lived in since then (well, and my hubby lived in until he died of cancer; he literally passed in the living room) has never had quite that same magical charm, but that first time was AMAZING! I always felt safe there, as I rebuilt my family; rebuilt it BETTER! 🥰
Thank you, Patrick! Your videos transform my perspectives with my shame and how I see the world. You are awesome!
Yes! Recovering that safe space is the linchpin of recovery. The insidious trap though is that our current brains are a product of NOT having it. So you are using a faulty tool to fix the fault. Checkmate. Like the Chinese Finger Trap, your only hope is to not struggle but aim for "Micro-moments of Safety". Stringing together enough of these micro-moments of safety along with mindfulness *might* coalesce into a critical mass sufficient to push you back. Good Luck Everyone!
Emotional security 🤗 it takes lots of work and effort but it's possible 💯 Getting to know yourself helps so very much
What if you "thought" you had a safe home, but didn't really....
Will the workbooks be available to purchase online even if I can't make the lecture? I'd like to buy one.
Sounds like reparenting in a nutshell